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SK-MobileNet: A Lightweight Adaptive Network Based on Complex Deep Transfer Learning for Plant Disease Recognition

  • Research Article-Computer Engineering and Computer Science
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Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering Aims and scope Submit manuscript


The current convolution neural network approaches have attracted extensive interest because the performance is better than that of conventional machine learning methods in the plant disease recognition. However, there are still facing challenges. For instance, the image background sometime is complex, and the model can detect plant lesions, but it is difficult to use and detect the specific pest position. The high complexity of the model is not conducive to the deployment and development of mobile software. Even the dataset has problems such as labeling errors and few positive or negative samples, which restrict the development of disease recognition. In this study, we investigate the deep convolution networks based on deep transfer learning for plant disease recognition. We propose a model called as Selective Kernel MobileNet (SK-MobileNet), which is lightweight enough to greatly reduce the computing cost when deployed to servers. Experimental results show that the proposed approach reaches the accuracy of 99.28% in the public dataset. The proposed approach illustrates a significant increase in the efficiency with the lower complexity compared to other existing methods.

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This work was supported by Heilongjiang Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. LH2020F044), the 2019-“Chunhui Plan” Cooperative Scientific Research Project of Ministry of Education of China (Grant No. HLJ2019015), the Fundamental Research Funds for Heilongjiang Universities, China (Grant No. 2020-KYYWF-1014), and National innovation and entrepreneurship training program for Chinese College Students (Grant No. 202110212027).

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Liu, G., Peng, J. & El-Latif, A.A.A. SK-MobileNet: A Lightweight Adaptive Network Based on Complex Deep Transfer Learning for Plant Disease Recognition. Arab J Sci Eng 48, 1661–1675 (2023).

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