In 2005, Jan Wójcik assumed the role of Editor-in-Chief for Acta Theriologica, and after 8 years of leading the journal, he has now handed the editorship over to me. On behalf of the entire Editorial Board, I would like to express our gratitude for his valued contributions throughout this period. I particularly appreciated the smooth and successful transfer of the journal to Springer in 2010/2011, which makes my current task much easier. Under Jan Wójcik’s leadership as an Editor-in-Chief, the citation impact reached its highest level ever, and Acta Theriologica is now among the most significant periodicals dedicated to mammal research.

Thirty years ago, when I joined the researchers at the Mammal Research Institute in Białowieża to participate in the studies of small mammals, I could not have imagined that this place would become my second (and sometimes only) home. My work for Acta Theriologica is therefore not only a job but also a vital part of my life. My current research covers various aspects of mammalian biology—ecology, evolution, physiology, genetics and behaviour. Since its inception, Acta Theriologica has encompassed a broad range of topics, and as Editor-in-Chief, I intend to further encourage this practice. I am always surprised to find old papers with data supporting current ideas and hypotheses. As a new Editor-in-Chief, I will continue to promote studies combining different approaches, and I intend to expand the scope of the journal to include emerging topics in mammal ecology and genetics.

Professor August Dehnel, the founder of Acta Theriologica, and his successor Professor Zdzisław Pucek were not only excellent editors but also eminent scientists, and I am honoured to continue their mission. Being Editor-in-Chief for a journal with an almost 60-year-long tradition is a challenging task. I will do my best to preserve this tradition while simultaneously making the journal more attractive for new generations of scientists. For many younger scientists, the term Acta holds a completely different meaning and Theriologica does not mean much at all. Consequently, we plan to change the name of the journal in the near future, a task for which I will count on the creativity of our readers. My primary task will be to increase the international visibility of Acta Theriologica as a modern journal and to encourage young and experienced researches alike to publish with us.

The members of our Editorial Board cover a wide range of fields, which comprise different groups of mammals and a range of research techniques. We will continue our policy of reviewing promising and well-written manuscripts that are within the scope of the journal. Moreover, we will do our best to offer assistance with suitable manuscripts presenting well-designed and cutting-edge studies. In this regard, we will give priority to review and synthesis papers and topics of general interest. With the support of our international team of editors, I am confident that we will be able to meet the challenges that lie ahead.

Białowieża, February 2013

Karol Zub