Correction to: Diabetes Ther (2023) 14:1549–1561

In the abstract, the result “NA-DKD, A-DKD, and Mixed groups accounted for 23.7%, 3.3%, and 12.9%, respectively” should be corrected to “NA-DKD, A-DKD, and Mixed groups accounted for 3.3%, 23.7%, and 12.9%, respectively”.

In Key Summary Points, “The prevalence of DKD in hospitalized patients with DM was 39.9%, normoalbuminuric and reduced eGFR, DKD with albuminuria but without reduced eGFR, and DKD with albuminuria and reduced eGFR groups accounted for 23.7%, 3.3%, and 12.9%, respectively” should be corrected to “The prevalence of DKD in hospitalized patients with DM was 39.9%, normoalbuminuric and reduced eGFR, DKD with albuminuria but without reduced eGFR, and DKD with albuminuria and reduced eGFR groups accounted for 3.3%, 23.7%, and 12.9%, respectively”.

The original article has been corrected.