Information and communications technologies have enabled the rise of the phenomenon named sharing economy, which represents activities between people, coordinated by online platforms, to obtain, provide, or share access to goods and services. In hosting services of the sharing economy, it is common to have a personal contact between the host and guest, and this may affect users’ decision to do negative reviews, as negative reviews can damage the offered services. To evaluate this issue, we collected reviews from two sharing economy platforms, Airbnb and Couchsurfing, and from one platform that works mostly with hotels (traditional economy), Booking.com, for some cities in Brazil and the USA. Through a sentiment analysis, we found that reviews in the sharing economy tend to be considerably more positive than those in the traditional economy. This can represent a problem in those systems, as an experiment with volunteers performed in this study suggests. In addition, we discuss how to exploit the results obtained to help improve users’ decision making.
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This study was financed in part by the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - Brasil (CAPES) - Finance Code 001. This work is also partially supported by the project URBCOMP (Grant #403260 /2016-7 from National Council for Scientific and Technological Development agency - CNPq) and GoodWeb (Grant #2018/23011-1 from Sao Paulo Research Foundation - FAPESP). The authors would also like to thank Marcelo Santos and all the volunteers for the valuable help in this study.
Grants that supported this study: CAPES - Finance Code 001, CNPq Grant #403260/2016-7, FAPESP GoodWEB Project Grant #2018/23011-1.
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Appendix 1: Topics of negative comments in Portuguese
This section presents the topic analysis for negative reviews written in Portuguese, following the same methodology presented in Sect. 5.5. The results in Table 6 follow a similar pattern to the one observed English reviews.
Appendix 2: Simulation of score
Table 7 shows some examples of score based on reviews and polarity of Airbnb. This helps us to have an idea on how each variable impacted score. In these examples, the score values ranged from 5.09 (worst score) to 64.69 (best score).
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Santos, G., Mota, V.F.S., Benevenuto, F. et al. Neutrality may matter: sentiment analysis in reviews of Airbnb, Booking, and Couchsurfing in Brazil and USA. Soc. Netw. Anal. Min. 10, 45 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13278-020-00656-5
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s13278-020-00656-5