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Ecological and socio-environmental impacts of conversion to organic dairy farming

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Organic Agriculture Aims and scope Submit manuscript


The main purpose of this study was to analyze the transition of conventional dairy farming to an organic system in family-based agriculture. Eight dairy production units located in the Mato Grosso do Sul state, Brazil, were implemented and evaluated. The findings regarding ecological, environmental, and social impacts of these productive units were presented under a comparative approach, between the years 2012 to 2014. The dataset included information gathered throughout experiment implementation, along with survey responses later taken from representatives of the family units. In these surveys, each variable was assigned a value representing how such change has influenced the activity. After the insertion of coefficients of change for each variable of environmental and ecological indicators per unit of production, an impact factor was automatically calculated through the spreadsheet consisting of weighing matrices of the Ambitec-Agro indicator system. Fifteen out of the 25 analyzed indicators reached values that contributed to an improvement in the migration from conventional to organic production. The mean overall impact factor for a conventional system (µ) was − 0.55, while for an organic, it was 3.82. Among the components that contributed the most to ecological and environmental indexes in the organic system are soil quality (µ = 4.7), biodiversity conservation (µ = 2.0), and environmental recovery (µ =  − 1.5). There was a 14.55% increase in technology (PIT) with a positive socio-environmental and ecological impact for dairy farmers with the use of technologies introduced in the process of transition to organic milk production system. Through this process, new concepts could be produced considering each family unit project and the local scenario.

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We thank the Center for Participatory Construction of Knowledge in Agroecology and Organic Production of the UFGD, the Residency Program in Agricultural Sciences of the UFGD, the Professors, and graduate students of the UFGD, the partnerships involved in the project and rural producers.


The authors received financial support from the Brazilian Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), Brazilian Ministry of Education (MEC), Coordination for Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES), and Federal University of Grande Dourados (UFGD) through the Dean of Extension and Culture (PROEX).

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de Oliveira, E.R., Muniz, E.B., Soares, J.P.G. et al. Ecological and socio-environmental impacts of conversion to organic dairy farming. Org. Agr. 12, 495–512 (2022).

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