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Current soybean feed consumption in Luxembourg and reduction capability as a basis for a future protein strategy

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Organic Agriculture Aims and scope Submit manuscript


Soybean imports are huge for Luxembourg, where 100% of soybeans are imported and soybean feed consumption is not known. This study aims to calculate the Luxembourgish soybean feed consumption for 2018 for its predominant livestock (cattle, poultry, pigs) in conventional and organic agriculture, respectively, to assess the reduction potential of soybeans in feed rations and discuss opportunities to increase soybean autarky. In 2018, the calculated national consumption of soybean extraction meal was 27,453 t. Feeding rations of ruminants accounted for 69%, and organic agriculture accounted for 1.3% of total soybean consumption. The highest soybean consumption was calculated for dairy cows with 15,026 t (pigs: 7261 t; poultry: 1197 t). By reducing the amount of soybean meal in feed rations, soybean feed consumption could be reduced to 15,886 t. Opportunities to increase soybean autarky are a national cultivation of soybeans, too. Hence, a possible soybean autarky of 29% was calculated. Luxembourg is a favorable grassland site with a high potential of using grassland to provide a protein source for dairy cows. Thus, nationally produced soybeans should be fed to monogastric animals and so a potential soybean autarky of 55% for monogastric animals could be reached (79% for organic monogastric animals). Regarding high self-sufficiency with farm-grown fodder, the reduced consumption of soybeans in feed rations, and the lower livestock density in organic compared to conventional agriculture, organic agriculture could act as a role model to reach a higher soybean autarky in Luxembourg as a basis for a national protein strategy.

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Our thanks to the experts for their contribution of taking part in the expert interviews and thus contributing to a profound study relevant for Luxembourgish agriculture.


The study was funded by the Ministry of Agriculture in the framework of the National Action Plan for Organic Agriculture Luxembourg.

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Stéphanie Zimmer contributed to the study conception and design. Material preparation, data collection, and analysis were performed by Stéphanie Zimmer and Marita Hoffmann. The first draft of the manuscript was written by Stéphanie Zimmer and substantially improved by Sabine Keßler und Laura Leimbrock-Rosch. All authors revised previous versions of the manuscript and read and approved the final manuscript.

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Correspondence to Stéphanie Zimmer.

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Zimmer, S., Leimbrock-Rosch, L., Hoffmann, M. et al. Current soybean feed consumption in Luxembourg and reduction capability as a basis for a future protein strategy. Org. Agr. 11, 163–176 (2021).

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