Erratum to: Environ Earth Sci DOI 10.1007/s12665-014-3349-8

The authors would like to correct errors in the original publication as detailed below.

Under the heading ‘Methods’ the sentence “average air temperature of the study area” should read as “average recharge temperature”.

In the sub-heading, CFC data of the ‘Results’ section, the values of CFC-11 (3.0–7.62) and CFC-12 (1.63–2.46) should read as “CFC-11 (3.0–5.9)”, and “CFC-12 (1.48–2.46)”, respectively.

In Table 2, the headings “2009–2008”, “2010–2015”, and “2010–2010” should read as “2009.08”, “2010.05” and “2010.10”, respectively.

In the “Conclusions” section, the sentence “However, the data for well W7 suggest that there is diffusion of the pore pressure in the central section of the X.F. during the impoundment.” should be deleted.