We provide an overview of instruments related to the three most representative theories of approach-avoidance (Monni et al., in Personality and Individual Differences 166:110163, 2020): The Regulatory focus theory (Higgins, in American Psychologist 52:1280–1300, 1997; Advances in Experimental Social Psychology 30:1–46, 1998), the Reinforcement sensitivity theory (Gray, in Behaviour Research and Therapy 8:249–266, 1970; The psychology of fear and stress, CUP Archive, 1987; as reported by Gray & McNaughton (The neuropsychology of anxiety: An enquiry into the functions of Septo-hippocampal system, Oxford University Press, 2000), and the Approach-Avoidance temperament theory (Elliot & Thrash, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 82:804–812, 2002; Journal of Personality 78:865–906, 2010). We examined published peer-reviewed empirical studies guided by three aims: (1) providing a brief description and comparison of the basic constructs of the three theories; (2) offering an overview of the approach-avoidance assessments that have been used in the literature; (3) discussing the strengths and weaknesses of these methodologies and suggesting which might be the most effective technique according to the constructs’ operationalization and the psychometric-procedural quality to help researchers choose the reference theory and method best suited to their research focus.
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We selected these three theories since they have led to a more significant contribution in our understanding of motivated behavior. For an in-depth discussion of approach-avoidance theories we recommend “Elliot (2013) Handbook of Approach and Avoidance Motivation New York: Taylor & Francis Group”.
- BAS:
Behavioral approach system
- BIS:
Behavioral inhibition system
- FFS:
Fight/Flight system
Fight/Flight/Freeze system
- o-/r-RST:
Original/revised reinforcement sensitivity theory
- RFT:
Regulatory focus theory
- RFQ:
Regulatory focus questionnaire
General regulatory focus measure
- RFS:
Regulatory focus scale
- BIS–BAS scale:
Behavioral activation and behavioral inhibition scale
Sensitivity to punishment and sensitivity to reward questionnaire
Sensitivity to punishment and sensitivity to reward questionnaire revised and clarified
- J5:
- RSQ:
Reinforcement sensitivity questionnaire
- rRSTQ:
revised reinforcement sensitivity theory questionnaire
Reinforcement sensitivity theory of personality questionnaire
- ATQ:
Approach-avoidance temperament questionnaire
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Monni, A., Scalas, L.F. Approach-Avoidance Assessment: Comparison and Validity of the Measures Related to Three Theories. Psychol Stud 69, 145–157 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12646-024-00786-2
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12646-024-00786-2