Gondwana deposits are extensively found across the continents. Here we study the Middle Permian Barakar Formation from the marginal Gondwana Basin, eastern India, being deposited in a normal fault setting. Availability of extensive cores as well as geophysical log suites (gamma-resistivity-density from drilled wells) from the study area helped us achieving high resolution interpretation. Core study identifies fluvial sedimentary architectures, which were correlated with the geophysical logs and modeled field-wide to understand vertical and horizontal facies disposition. The facies analysis has been used to establish a sequence stratigraphic model of the cyclic Barakar deposition. Four major fining upward depositional sequences were identified, each sequence comprises of low accommodation system tract (LAST) at base and high accommodation system tract (HAST) at top. LAST is characterized by vertically stacked, multistory amalgamated channel sandstone dominated facies, while floodplain dominated facies characterizes HAST, reflecting a gradual shift from braided to meandering depositional system from bottom to top of each cycle. Study reveals depocenter to be in the western part, supported by eastward thinning of sediment packets, all being deposited in a half-graben setting.
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Authors thank Dr. Jun Xiao, editor and Ge Yao from editorial office, Journal of Earth Science for their timely communication and support. Constructive reviews and suggestions by two anonymous reviewers are greatly appreciated, as it helped in the betterment of the manuscript. Authors would like to express their sincere gratitude to Coal India Ltd., for providing the core and geophysical log dataset and permission to publish this work. Authors are thankful to Geologix Limited for providing access to core log and X-section modules, GEO Suite of software which has been instrumental in preparing the graphic logs and well correlation plots. JD expresses his sincere gratitude to Sabur Ali (Deputy Manager, CIL) and Priyankar Upadhyay (Assistant Manager, CIL) for their suggestions and help while preparing this manuscript. The views and interpretations presented in this paper are solely of authors’ and do not necessarily reflect those of Coal India Limited and Geologix Limited. The final publication is available at Springer via https://doi.org/10.1007/s12583-018-0791-7..
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Dey, J., Sen, S. Sequence Stratigraphic Model of Middle Permian Barakar Formation from a Marginal Gondwana Basin, India. J. Earth Sci. 29, 745–754 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12583-018-0791-7
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12583-018-0791-7