Correction: Fisheries Science

After the publication, the author noticed, there was an incorrect description of the scientific name in Fig. 3. Scientific name of a species from South of Sakhalin should read “M. chipisaniensis” instead of “M. chipisaniensis sp. nova”. Corrected figure is given in this correction.

Fig. 3
figure 3

An overview of the taxonomical and phylogenetic relationships among Misgurnus loaches, including M. fossilis, M. mizolepis, M. dabryanus, M. nikolskyi, M. chipisaniensis, M. bipartitus, M. mohoity, and three groups (A, B1, and B2) of M. anguillicaudatus, with brief descriptions of their cytogenetics and distributions in Japan and adjacent countries. Lengths in the phylogenetic tree do not reflect real genetic distances between clades. Relationships shown by solid lines (concluded) and dotted lines (estimated) are based on Morishima et al. (2008a), Perdices et al. (2012), and Shedko and Vasil’eva (2022). Red arrows indicate the transportation of exotic loaches from China to Japan. See main text for more details

The original article has been corrected.