Various open access precipitation products are made available for several applications. Evaluating the reliability of these precipitation datasets can be of great importance for both the end-users and data developers. In this study, the performance of 11 open access precipitation products was evaluated against gauge-based data in Nigeria. The evaluation was done on a point-to-pixel basis and at different timescales. Quantitative statistical metrics (correlation coefficient—r, mean error—ME, multiplicative bias—BIAS, root mean square error—RMSE, and Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency coefficient—NSE) were used to evaluate the precipitation products. The results indicate that the open access precipitation products substantially overestimated low rainfall events and underestimated high rainfall events on a daily timescale. Global Precipitation Climatology Centre (GPCC), Climate Hazards Group InfraRed Precipitation with Station data, Version 2.01 (CHIRPSv2.0), Tropical Applications of Meteorology using Satellite and Ground-Based Observations (TAMSAT) African Rainfall Climatology and Time series (TARCAT), Climatic Research Unit Time Series (CRU_TS_4.04), Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) and Integrated Multi-SatellitE Retrievals for GPM (IMERG), and Global Precipitation Climatology Project (GPCP) performed better in Nigeria. The findings of this study further revealed that cumulative rainfall estimates from the open access precipitation products tended to improve with increasing integration time (i.e., on monthly, seasonal, and annual timescales) and showed better performance in the highlands than in the lowlands. This study provides useful information to potential users about the accuracy of 11 open access precipitation products for various applications in a country characterized by large topographic and rainfall variability.
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The authors gratefully acknowledge the Nigerian Meteorological Agency (NiMet) for the provision of the ground-based rainfall data. We thank all the research centers, institutions, and agencies such as the University of Reading, University of Maryland, NASA GSFC, US Geological Survey Climate Hazards Group at University of California, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Climate Prediction Center, University of East Anglia, NOAA/ESRL/PSL, and NASA Langley Research Centre (LaRC) POWER Project for producing and sharing the precipitation estimates used in this study.
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Salami, A., Fenta, A.A. Spatio-temporal evaluation of open access precipitation products with rain gauge observations in Nigeria. Arab J Geosci 15, 1785 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12517-022-11071-9
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12517-022-11071-9