Correction to: Arabian Journal of Geosciences (2019) 12: 180.

The original version of this paper was published with error. The formula of the equation Sand Stabilization Index (SSI) in the published version of the paper is missing. Given in this article is the missing formula.

$$ \mathbf{S}.\mathbf{S}.\mathbf{I}=\left[\left(R1\ast n\ast \mathrm{K}\right)+\left(R2\ast n\ast \mathrm{K}\right)+\left(R3\ast n\ast \mathrm{K}\right)+\left(R4\ast n\ast \mathrm{K}\right)\right]/N\dots \dots \dots $$

S.S.I sand stabilization index.

R is the value of the class of sand encroachment survey (1, 2, 3 and 4) (Table 2).

n represents the number of survey of the same sand encroachment class (R) and the same coefficient of the sand height (K).

N represents the total number of the executed survey in the green band.

K is the coefficient of the height of the sand accumulation. It concerns the maximum height reached by the sand accumulation observed in each plot of the sand encroachment survey. We have four values of K (Table 2).