Recognition of the benefits to trauma-informed approaches is expanding, along with commensurate interest in extending delivery within school systems. Although information about trauma-informed approaches has quickly burgeoned, systematic attention to integration within multitiered service delivery frameworks has not occurred yet is essential to accurate, durable, and scalable implementation. In addition, there is a critical need to concurrently build a strong evidence base regarding trauma-informed service delivery in schools. In this paper, the literatures on trauma-informed approaches and multitiered frameworks for school-based service delivery are connected with the goal to provide suggestions toward building blueprints for trauma-informed service delivery in schools. Drawing from the literature on implementation blueprints for school-wide positive behavior supports, sections are organized around current knowledge about trauma-informed approaches with regard to blueprints for (a) implementation, (b) professional development, and (c) evaluation. Critical issues, strategy recommendations, and directions for research are discussed.
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The authors wish to thank Division 16 of the American Psychological Association for supporting the Trauma-Informed Services Workgroup. Preparation of this manuscript was supported in part by funding provided by the Institute for Education Sciences, US Department of Education (R305A140543).
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Chafouleas, S.M., Johnson, A.H., Overstreet, S. et al. Toward a Blueprint for Trauma-Informed Service Delivery in Schools. School Mental Health 8, 144–162 (2016). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12310-015-9166-8
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12310-015-9166-8