Dear Editor,

India is under lockdown since 25th March 2020 due to COVID-19 pandemic. India has 81,000 cases till date (15th May 2020) and we yet to reach at the peak. Delhi is at 4th place after Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, and Gujrat with 8470 cases and 115 deaths. Our residents, across all specialities, are frontline warriors in this difficult time. They are fighting not only with the disease but also with the shortage of PPE kits, N95 masks, and other infrastructure. Though government of India and all state governments are doing their best, still all the medical associations and medical community as a whole has a responsibility to protect/support their warriors.

Delhi State Chapter of Association of Surgeons of India has taken a lead in this under guidance of its president, Prof. (Dr.) Pawanindra Lal, ably supported by dynamic secretary, Dr. Tarun Mittal, Treasurer (author) and all EC members. Our state chapter asked for voluntary donations for this noble cause from all sections of the society. We received a significant amount to procure PPE kits, N95 masks, hand sanitizers etc., and all of them were distributed among different COVID hospitals of Delhi.

Delhi State Chapter has also started its monthly meeting on electronic platform from 16th May 2020. March and April meetings were cancelled due to government’s directive. These meetings are resumed so that residents and practising surgeons can update their surgical knowledge in this difficult time.

Long live ASI, Long live Delhi state Chapter...
