When the Bag is in Trouble…

That pear shaped bag…

Lying humbly under the liver crag

Performing till date the duty allotted

Until the time its contents got tainted.

Precipitation of the sludge

Stones at times resembling fudge

Silent often… but sometimes yell

Their untold story they seem to tell.

The undefiable ‘f’ sequence

Now and then have given credence

When Murphy’s sign gives a clue

It is time now to inform the crew.

The situation is grim with a triad of charcot

Worsened further with a pentad of Reynold

Intervention is needed to clear the yellow…

Needed at times is the help of an expert fellow.

Acoustics and the magnets will guide you

Knowledge of the anatomy will always take you through

Hug me says the gall bladder

Lest you put the pivotal trunk in danger!!

COSIC… will ease the situation

Doing less is better than a stupid temptation!

Ignorance of the miss is worse than committing

Safe conversion is always worth attempting!!