The ESCO policy regarding post-publication discussions conforms to guidance provided by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) ( In particular: “The role of the editor/publisher is to edit and publish a journal, not referee a fight between feuding academics where it is not clear if all the facts are known.”

Estuaries and Coasts (ESCO) will publish Correspondence and replies (previously named Technical Communications) about an article previously published in ESCO if the Editors decide it is appropriate. The decision to publish or not publish is final and there will be no follow-up replies to either. The complete procedure is described in the Instructions for Authors (

The following two papers are Correspondence (Conway et al., Red Drum Salinity Tolerance: Comments on Ackerly et al. “Short-Term Salinity Stress During Early Development Impacts the Growth and Survival of Red Drum (Sciaenops ocellatus)”) and a reply (Response to: Conway et al. (2023), Red Drum Salinity Tolerance: Comments on Ackerly et al. “Short-Term Salinity Stress During Early Development Impacts the Growth and Survival of Red Drum (Sciaenops ocellatus)”). Neither has been externally peer reviewed and both are published as submitted by the authors.