Lehigh is a yellow-fleshed potato cultivar with excellent yield and resistance to both common scab and race Ro1 of the golden cyst nematode (Globodera rostochiensis). It was selected from a cross made at Cornell University in 1994 between the fresh-market cultivar Keuka Gold and the chipping cultivar Pike and released by the New York Agricultural Experiment Station in 2007. The tubers are oval and slightly flattened, with shallow eyes and netted skin. Although currently grown primarily for the fresh market, Lehigh is also used by restaurants for fresh-cut fries. The fry color of Lehigh is comparable in lightness to the chipping cultivar Snowden when chipped out of 10 °C storage after two months storage. Lehigh specific gravity averaged 1.080 across 60 Northeastern US trials, while marketable yield averaged 111% of Atlantic across 80 trials in New York, Pennsylvania and Maine.
Lehigh es una variedad de papa de pulpa amarilla con excelente rendimiento y resistencia tanto a la sarna común como a la raza Ro1 del nematodo dorado (Globodera rostochiensis). Fue seleccionada de un cruce realizado en la Universidad de Cornell en 1994 entre la variedad de mercado fresco Keuka Gold y la variedad de freído Pike y liberada por la Estación Experimental Agrícola de Nueva York en 2007. Los tubérculos son ovalados y ligeramente aplanados, con ojos poco profundos y piel tipo red. Aunque actualmente se cultiva principalmente para el mercado fresco, Lehigh también es utilizada por restaurantes para papas fritas recién cortadas. El color del freído de Lehigh es comparable en ligereza a la variedad de freído Snowden cuando se fríe fuera de 10° C de almacenamiento después de dos meses en almacén. La gravedad específica de Lehigh promedió 1.080 en 60 ensayos en el noreste de los Estados Unidos, mientras que el rendimiento comercializable promedió el 111% de Atlantic en 80 ensayos en Nueva York, Pensilvania y Maine.
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Data Availability
Data is available in annual potato breeding and evaluation extension reports, mostly produced in the pre-digital era, of Cornell University, The University of Maine, and Pennsylvainia State University.
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The Cornell contributors are members of the Golden Nematode Technical Advisory Committee that includes representatives from USDA-ARS, USDA-APHIS, and New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets. All these agencies provided financial support. Additional support came from growers in New York and Pennsylvania, the USDA-NIFA Special Grant for Potato Breeding Research, and Hatch projects NE184 and NE1014. We thank Kent Loeffler for photography.
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De Jong, W.S., Halseth, D.E., Plaisted, R.L. et al. Lehigh, a Variety with Yellow Flesh and Resistance to the Golden Cyst Nematode and Common Scab. Am. J. Potato Res. 100, 163–168 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12230-022-09900-4
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12230-022-09900-4