Waneta is a white-skinned, white-fleshed potato variety notable for excellent chip color from cold storage, good yield, long tuber dormancy, and resistance to both common scab and race Ro1 of the golden cyst nematode (Globodera rostochiensis). It was selected from a cross made at Cornell University in 1998 between Marcy and NY115. The tubers are round to oblong with shallow eyes and relatively smooth skin. Chip color out of cold storage is lighter than ‘Snowden’. Marketable yield averaged 91% of Snowden across 88 trials in New York, Pennsylvania and Maine, while specific gravity averaged 0.010 less than Snowden. Waneta was released by the New York Agricultural Experiment Station in 2011.
Waneta es una variedad de papa de piel blanca, pulpa blanca, notable por su excelente color de freído de almacenamiento en frío, buen rendimiento, larga dormancia del tubérculo y resistencia tanto a la roña común como a la raza Ro1 del nemátodo dorado de quiste (Globodera rostochiensis). Se seleccionó de una cruza hecha en la Universidad de Cornell en 1998 entre Marcy y NY115. Los tubérculos son redondos a oblongos con ojos superficiales y piel relativamente lisa. El color de la hojuela después del almacenamiento en frío es mas claro que el de “Snowden”. El rendimiento comercial promedió 91% de Snowden a lo largo de 88 ensayos en Nueva York, Pennsylvania y Maine, mientras que la gravedad específica promedió 0.010 menos que Snowden. Waneta se liberó por la Estación Agrícola Experimental de Nueva York en 2011.
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The Cornell contributors are members of the Golden Nematode Technical Advisory Committee that includes representatives from USDA-ARS, USDA-APHIS, and New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets. All these agencies provided financial support. Additional support came from growers in New York and Pennsylvania and the USDA-NIFA Special Grant for Potato Breeding Research (grant 2014-34141-22266 and related prior awards within this USDA-NIFA program). Regional evaluation was conducted by participants in the NE1231 research project (currently designated NE1731). We thank Kent Loeffler for photography. We are particularly grateful to potato growers in NY, ME, and PA for their early interest and commercial investment in this potato variety.
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De Jong, W.S., Halseth, D.E., Plaisted, R.L. et al. Waneta, a Variety with Excellent Chip Color out of Cold Storage, Long Tuber Dormancy, and Resistance to the Golden Cyst Nematode. Am. J. Potato Res. 97, 580–585 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12230-020-09806-z
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12230-020-09806-z