Reveille Russet (ATX91137-1Ru) is a uniform, medium-early, high yielding, high pack-out, fresh market russet cultivar, with wide adaptability, released by Texas A&M AgriLife Research in 2015. It resulted from a cross of Bannock Russet(♀) and breeding clone A8343–12(♂). Reveille Russet produces attractive, oblong tubers, with medium russeting, white flesh and excellent culinary qualities. It has a lower incidence of internal defects and a higher percentage of marketable tubers in the 170 to 284 g and 284 to 510 g (6 to 10 oz. and 10 to 18 oz.) size classes than Russet Norkotah. Reveille Russet is resistant to hollow heart, second growth and blackspot bruise. It also stores longer and tends to wound-heal to a lighter brown color upon skinning during harvest and/or handling than Russet Norkotah.
Reveille Russet (ATX91137-1Ru), es una variedad tipo russet uniforme, medianamente temprana, de alto rendimiento y de empaque, para el mercado fresco, con amplia adaptabilidad, liberada por Texas A&M AgriLife Research en 2015. Es el resultado de una cruza de Bannock Russet(♀) y el clon Avanzado A8343–12(♂). Reveille Russet produce tubérculos atractivos, oblongos, con piel medio corrugada, de pulpa blanca y de excelentes cualidades culinarias. Tiene incidencia más baja de defectos internos y un porcentaje más alto de tubérculos comerciales en el rango de clases de tamaño de 170 a 284 g y 284 a 510 g (6 a 10 oz. y 10 a 18 oz.) que Russet Norkotah. Reveille Russet es resistente al corazón hueco, crecimiento secundario, y a la mancha oscura por golpes. También se almacena por más tiempo y tiende a cicatrizar a un color café ligero durante el embarnecimiento de la piel durante la cosecha y/o manejo que Russet Norkotah.
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Development of Reveille Russet was partially funded by the USDA/CSREES Special Potato Grant Program, Texas A&M AgriLife Research and the USDA – Special Research Program, Potatoes. Thanks also to our Southwestern Regional and Western Regional cooperators. Special thanks to Mr. Bruce Barrett of Springlake Potato Sales, Springlake, TX for his extensive commercial testing of Reveille Russet.
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Miller, J.C., Scheuring, D.C., Koym, J.W. et al. Reveille Russet: An Early, Widely Adapted, High-Count-Carton Russet for the Fresh Market. Am. J. Potato Res. 95, 79–86 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12230-017-9620-2
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12230-017-9620-2