Previously identified as breeding line MSJ461-1, Missaukee is a round white chip processing potato variety resulting from a cross between Tollocan and NY88 and has foliar resistance to potato late blight (Phytophthora infestans de Bary). This variety has an attractive round shape and mildly netted, bright skin. Seven years of field testing in Michigan indicate that the yield of total marketable tubers in Missaukee is similar to that of Snowden. However, Missaukee has a lower incidence of internal defects than Snowden. Specific gravity ranged from 1.069 to 1.086 in Michigan trials and out-of-the-field chip scores were similar to those of Snowden. Missaukee showed some resistance to Verticillium wilt in 2-years of trials. DNA marker and greenhouse tests indicate that Missaukee is also resistant to the golden cyst nematode (Globodera rostochiensis Woll) pathotype Ro1.
Previamente identificada como la línea de mejoramiento MSJ461-1, Missaukee es una variedad de papa redonda, blanca, para proceso de fritura, como resultado de la cruza entre Tollocan y NY88 y tiene resistencia foliar al tizón tardío de la papa (Phytophthora infestans de Bary). Esta variedad tiene una forma redonda atractiva y piel brillante, ligeramente con red. Siete años de pruebas de campo en Michigan indican que el rendimiento total de tubérculos comerciales en Missaukee es similar al de Snowden. No obstante, Missaukee tiene mas baja incidencia de defectos internos que Snowden. La gravedad específica fluctuó entre 1.069 a 1.086 en los ensayos de Michigan y fuera del campo los valores de fritura fueron similares a los de Snowden. Missaukee mostró alguna resistencia al marchitamiento por Verticillium en ensayos de dos años. Los marcadores de DNA y las pruebas de invernadero indican que Missaukee también es resistente al nematodo dorado de quiste (Globodera rostochiensis Woll) patotipo Ro1.
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The development and testing of Missaukee was supported in part by the Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station, Michigan Potato Industry Commission, NCR-84 Potato Breeding and Genetics Technical Committee and the USDA Special Grant for Potato Breeding/Variety Development. Thanks to Dr. S. Jansky (USDA/ARS, Univerisity of Wisconsin, Madison) for data from Verticillium wilt trials and to David Thurston (Cornell University) for the golden cyst nematode greenhouse tests. All experiments comply with the current laws of the country in which they were performed.
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Douches, D.S., Coombs, J., Felcher, K. et al. Missaukee: A Round White Potato Variety Combining Chip-Processing With Resistance to Late Blight, Verticillium Wilt and Golden Cyst Nematode. Am. J. Pot Res 87, 10–18 (2010). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12230-009-9111-1
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12230-009-9111-1