We investigate the existence and multiplicity of abstract weak solutions of the equation \(-\Delta _p u -\Delta _q u=\alpha |u|^{p-2}u+\beta |u|^{q-2}u\) in a bounded domain under zero Dirichlet boundary conditions, assuming \(1<q<p\) and \(\alpha ,\beta \in {\mathbb {R}}\). We determine three generally different ranges of parameters \(\alpha \) and \(\beta \) for which the problem possesses a given number of distinct pairs of solutions with a prescribed sign of energy. As auxiliary results, which are also of independent interest, we provide alternative characterizations of variational eigenvalues of the q-Laplacian using smaller and larger constraint sets than in the standard minimax definition.
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M. Tanaka was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number JP 23K03170.
Characterizations of \(\lambda _k(q)\)
In this section, we discuss alternative characterizations of variational eigenvalues \(\lambda _k(q)\) using smaller and larger constraint sets than in the standard minimax definition (1.1). The results of this section require less restrictive assumptions on a bounded domain than that additionally imposed in Sect. 1. Because of this, we will provide explicit assumptions on \(\Omega \) in each statement.
Let \(q, r>1\). Recall the definition (1.1) of \(\lambda _k(q)\):
and consider a related object \(\lambda _k(q;r)\) defined as
where \(\Sigma _k(r)\) is given by (1.2), i.e.,
Throughout this section, we use the extended notation \(\gamma (A;X)\) for the Krasnoselskii genus to emphasize its dependence on a topological vector space X with respect to which the continuity of an odd mapping h in the definition (1.3) of the genus is understood.
Clearly, \(\lambda _k(q;q)=\lambda _k(q)\) for any \(q>1\), while \(\lambda _k(q;r)\) is defined using different constraints than \(\lambda _k(q)\) whenever \(q \ne r\). The constraint \(A \subset W^{1,q}\) in (A.1) is trivial in the case \(q<r\) since \(W_0^{1,r}\subset W_0^{1,q}\), but it is required when \(q>r\), in order for the Rayleigh quotient \(\Vert \nabla u\Vert _q^q/\Vert u\Vert _q^q\) to be defined over \(A\in {\Sigma }_k(r)\).
We are interested in the relation between \(\lambda _k(q;r)\) and \(\lambda _k(q)\). Let us start with the following observation on the Krasnoselskii genus.
Lemma A.1
Let X, Y be topological vector spaces. Let \(A \subset X {\setminus } \{0\}\) be symmetric and closed. Let \(\pi : A \rightarrow Y\) be odd and continuous. Let \(\pi (A) \subset Y \setminus \{0\}\) be (symmetric and) closed. Then \(\gamma (A;X) \le \gamma (\pi (A);Y)\). If, in addition, the inverse mapping \(\pi ^{-1}: \pi (A) \rightarrow A\) is continuous (and hence \(\pi (A)\) and A are homeomorphic), then \(\gamma (A;X) = \gamma (\pi (A);Y)\).
If \(\gamma (\pi (A);Y) = +\infty \), then the inequality \(\gamma (A;X) \le \gamma (\pi (A);Y)\) is trivial. Assume that \(k=\gamma (\pi (A);Y) < +\infty \). By the definition (1.3) of \(\gamma (\pi (A);Y)\), there exists an odd mapping \(h \in C(\pi (A);{\mathbb {R}}^k {\setminus }\{0\})\). Since \(\pi \) is odd and continuous, we see that \(h \circ \pi \) is odd and \(h \circ \pi \in C(A;{\mathbb {R}}^k {\setminus }\{0\})\). Therefore, \(h \circ \pi \) is admissible for the definition (1.3) of \(\gamma (A;X)\), which implies that \(\gamma (A;X) \le \gamma (\pi (A);Y)\). If, in addition, \(\pi ^{-1}: \pi (A) \rightarrow A\) is continuous, then the same arguments give \(\gamma (\pi (A);Y) \le \gamma (A;X)\), which yields the equality between genuses. \(\square \)
Remark A.2
Evidently, if the set A in Lemma A.1 is compact in X, then \(\pi (A)\) is compact in Y. We also refer to [31, Proposition 7.5: \(2^\circ \)] or [33, Chapter II, Proposition 5.4 (\(4^\circ \))] for the statement of Lemma A.1 in the case when X and Y coincide.
In view of the continuity of the canonical embedding \(i: W_0^{1,r}\rightarrow W_0^{1,q}\) for \(1<q<r\) defined as \(i(u)=u\), Lemma A.1 implies that
which yields \(A \in \Sigma _k(q)\). A similar relation holds in the case \(q>r>1\). This leads to the following remark.
Remark A.3
The following assertions hold:
If \(1<q<r\), then \(\Sigma _k(q) \supset \Sigma _k(r)\) and hence \(\lambda _k(q) \le \lambda _k(q;r)\).
If \(q>r>1\), then \(\Sigma _k(q) \subset \Sigma _k(r)\) and hence \(\lambda _k(q) \ge \lambda _k(q;r)\).
1.1 The case \(q<r\)
First, we show that \(\lambda _k(q) = \lambda _k(q;r)\) whenever \(q<r\), which therefore provides an alternative characterization of \(\lambda _k(q)\). In the case \(k=1\), this claim is simple thanks to the density of \(C_0^\infty (\Omega )\) in both \(W_0^{1,r}\) and \(W_0^{1,q}\), and our aim is to develop this approach for higher indices k.
Lemma A.4
Let \(\Omega \subset {\mathbb {R}}^N\) be a bounded domain, \(N \ge 1\). Let \(1<q<r\). Then \({\lambda }_k(q) = \lambda _k(q;r)\) for all \(k \in {\mathbb {N}}\).
We know from Remark A.3 (i) that \({\lambda }_k(q)\le \lambda _k(q;r)\) for all k. Suppose, by contradiction, that \({\lambda }_k(q) < \lambda _k(q;r)\) for some k. Consequently, there exists \(A \in \Sigma _k(q)\) such that
To prove the lemma, we show the existence of an element of \(\Sigma _k(r)\) sufficiently close to A in the norm of \(W^{1,q}\), which will give a contradiction to (A.2).
Let us take any \(\varepsilon \in (0,\text {dist}_q(A,0)/2)\), where
since A is compact in \(W_0^{1,q}\) and does not contain 0. Let \(B_\varepsilon ^q(u)\) be an open ball in \(W_0^{1,q}\) of radius \(\varepsilon >0\) centered at u. Thanks to the compactness of A in \(W_0^{1,q}\), we can extract a finite symmetric subcover \(\{B_\varepsilon ^q(u_n) \cup B_\varepsilon ^q(-u_n)\}_{n=1}^K\) from a cover \(\cup _{u \in A}B_\varepsilon ^q(u)\), where \(K= K(\varepsilon ) \ge 1\).
For every \(n \in \{1,\dots ,K\}\) we choose some \(v_n \in C_0^\infty (\Omega ) \cap B_\varepsilon ^q(u_n)\). In particular, we have \(\Vert \nabla (u - v_n)\Vert _q < 2\varepsilon \) for any \(u \in B_\varepsilon ^q(u_n)\). Consider a closed finite dimensional linear subspace of \(W_0^{1,q}\) spanned by \(\{v_n\}_{n=1}^K\):
and define the metric projection \(P_\varepsilon : W_0^{1,q} \mapsto V\) in the standard way:
Our aim is to prove that \(P_\varepsilon (A) \in \Sigma _k(r)\), after a possible decrease in the value of \(\varepsilon \in (0,\text {dist}_q(A,0)/2)\). The operator \(P_\varepsilon \) is well defined in the sense that \(P_\varepsilon (u)\) exists and unique for any \(u \in W_0^{1,q}\), see, e.g., [32, Corollary 3.4 \((1^\circ )\), \((3^\circ )\), p. 111]. Moreover, \(P_\varepsilon \) is a continuous mapping, see, e.g., [32, Theorem 5.4, p. 251]. It is also clear that \(P_\varepsilon \) is odd, i.e., \(P_\varepsilon (-u)=-P_\varepsilon (u)\). As a consequence of the last two facts, we have \(\gamma (P_\varepsilon (A);W_0^{1,q}) \ge k\), see, e.g., Lemma A.1. The continuity of \(P_\varepsilon \) and the compactness of A in \(W_0^{1,q}\) imply that \(P_\varepsilon (A)\) is compact in \(W_0^{1,q}\). Moreover, \(0 \not \in P_\varepsilon (A)\) thanks to the upper bound on \(\varepsilon \). It is clear from the regularity of the basis elements of V that V is a closed finite dimensional linear subspace of \(W_0^{1,r}\), and hence \(P_\varepsilon (A) \subset W_0^{1,r}\). Since in the finite dimensional space V all norms are equivalent, we conclude that \(P_\varepsilon (A)\) is compact in \(W_0^{1,r}\). Applying Lemma A.1 with the inclusion mapping \(i:V \subset W_0^{1,q}\rightarrow W_0^{1,r}\) defined as \(i(u)=u\), we get \(\gamma (P_\varepsilon (A);W_0^{1,r}) = \gamma (P_\varepsilon (A);W_0^{1,q}) \ge k\), which finishes the proof that \(P_\varepsilon (A) \in \Sigma _k(r)\).
Finally, let us explicitly obtain an upper bound for the Rayleigh quotient for \(\lambda _k(q;r)\) to get a contradiction to (A.2). For any \(u \in A\) there exists \(n \in \{1,\dots ,K\}\) such that \(u \in B_\varepsilon ^q(u_n)\). By the triangle inequality and the definition of \(P_\varepsilon (u)\), we have
and hence
The inequality (A.3) and the Poincaré inequality give
for any \(u \in A\), which yields
Combining (A.4) and (A.6), we get
Recalling that \(0 \not \in P_\varepsilon (A)\) and dividing by \(\Vert P_\varepsilon (u)\Vert _q\), we arrive at
Moreover, we also deduce from (A.5) that
Combining (A.7) and (A.8) and taking \(\varepsilon >0\) smaller if necessary, we conclude that
where the last inequality is given by our contradictory assumption (A.2). A contradiction. \(\square \)
Remark A.5
Lemma A.4 is needed for the proofs of Theorems 1.2 and 1.4 (see, more explicitly, the proof of Lemma 2.10), cf. [41].
1.2 The case \(q>r\)
Let us now discuss the relation between \(\lambda _k(q;r)\) and \({\lambda }_k(q)\) in the case \(q<r\), which is converse to that considered above. Although \(\lambda _k(q;r) \le {\lambda }_k(q)\) for all k (see Remark A.3 (ii)), the precise relation between \(\lambda _k(q;r)\) and \({\lambda }_k(q)\) heavily depends on the regularity of \(\Omega \) and it is closely connected to the problem of continuity of the mapping \(q \mapsto \lambda _k(q)\) from the left, see [26, Section 7], [13, 19, 28], and references therein. We provide two opposite results in this direction.
Lemma A.6
Let \(N \ge 2\) and \(1<r<q\). Let \(\Omega \subset {\mathbb {R}}^N\) be a bounded domain such that
Then \(\lambda _k(q;r) < {\lambda }_k(q)\) for any \(k \in {\mathbb {N}}\).
It is not hard to observe that \(W_0^{1,q_-}\) is a closed vector subspace of \(W^{1,q}\) satisfying \(W_0^{1,q} \subset W_0^{1,q_-} \subset W_0^{1,r}\) for any \(r<q\), see, e.g., [13, Proposition 2.1]. Define
Using the continuous embedding \(i_1: W_0^{1,q}\rightarrow W^{1,q}\) defined as \(i_1(u)=u\), we apply Lemma A.1 to deduce that \(\Sigma _k(q) \subset \Sigma _k(q_-)\). In the same way, Lemma A.1 with the continuous embedding \(i_2: W^{1,q} \rightarrow W^{1,r}\) defined as \(i_2(u)=u\) yields \(\gamma (A;W^{1,r}) \ge \gamma (A;W^{1,q}) \ge k\) for any \(A \in \Sigma _k(q_-)\). Moreover, any such A is symmetric and compact in \(W_0^{1,r}\). Since the topologies induced by the norms of \(W^{1,r}\) and \(W_0^{1,r}\) are equivalent in \(W_0^{1,r}\), we conclude from Lemma A.1 that \(\gamma (A;W^{1,r})=\gamma (A;W_0^{1,r})\) for any \(A \in \Sigma _k(q_-)\). Therefore, \(\Sigma _k(q_-) \subset \Sigma _k(r)\). Consequently,
It follows from [13, Theorem 6.1 and Corollary 6.2] that \({\underline{\lambda }}_k(q) = \lambda _k(q)\) for \(k \ge 2\) if and only if \({\underline{\lambda }}_1(q) = \lambda _1(q)\). However, our assumption (A.9) is equivalent to \({\underline{\lambda }}_1(q) < \lambda _1(q)\), see [13, Theorem 4.1 (c), (d)]. Thus, we conclude from (A.10) that \(\lambda _k(q;r) \le {\underline{\lambda }}_k(q) < \lambda _k(q)\) for any \(k \in {\mathbb {N}}\). \(\square \)
Remark A.7
A domain \(\Omega \) satisfying the assumption (A.9), or, equivalently, \(\lim _{s \nearrow q} \lambda _1(s) < \lambda _1(q)\), was first constructed in [26, Section 7]. We refer to [13, 19] for further developments and for characterizations of the family of such domains.
Lemma A.8
Let \(N \ge 1\) and \(1<r<q\). Let \(\Omega \subset {\mathbb {R}}^N\) be a bounded domain such that
Then \({\lambda }_k(q) = \lambda _k(q;r)\) for all \(k \in {\mathbb {N}}\).
Let us take any \(\varepsilon >0\) and any \(A_\varepsilon \in \Sigma _k(r)\) such that \(A_\varepsilon \subset W^{1,q}\) and
It is known from [8] (see, more precisely, [8, Eq. (2.3) and Corollary 3.6]) that \(\lambda _k(q)\) can be equivalently defined as
Our aim is to show that \(A_\varepsilon \in {\mathcal {G}}_k(q)\), i.e., \(A_\varepsilon \) is admissible for the definition (A.13) of \(\lambda _k(q)\). If it is true, then \(\lambda _k(q) \le \lambda _k(q;r)+\varepsilon \) in view of (A.12). Since \(\varepsilon >0\) is chosen arbitrarily, we get \(\lambda _k(q) \le \lambda _k(q;r)\). On the other hand, we have \(\lambda _k(q;r) \le {\lambda }_k(q)\) by Remark A.3 (ii), which gives the desired conclusion of the lemma. (If we suppose that for any \(\varepsilon >0\) there exists \(A_\varepsilon \) which is compact in \(W_0^{1,q}\), then the above argument applies to the original definition (1.1) of \(\lambda _k(q)\) instead of (A.13), which would give the result in a simpler way.)
Therefore, let us justify that \(A_\varepsilon \in {\mathcal {G}}_k(q)\). By the assumption (A.11), we have \(A_\varepsilon \subset W_0^{1,q}\). Since \(r<q\) and \(A_\varepsilon \subset W_0^{1,r}{\setminus } \{0\}\) is compact in \(W_0^{1,r}\), we get \(A_\varepsilon \subset W_0^{1,q}{\setminus } \{0\}\). The set \(A_\varepsilon \) is bounded in \(W_0^{1,q}\). Indeed, we have from (A.12) that
and hence [35, Lemma 9] and the Poincaré inequality give the existence of a constant \(C>0\) such that
Moreover, \(A_\varepsilon \) is closed in \(W_0^{1,q}\). To show this, let us take any sequence \(\{u_n\} \subset A_\varepsilon \) which strongly converges in \(W_0^{1,q}\) to a function \(u_0 \in W_0^{1,q}\). By the compactness of \(A_\varepsilon \) in \(W_0^{1,r}\) and the assumption \(r<q\), we see that \(u_0 \in W_0^{1,r}{\setminus } \{0\}\) and \(u_n \rightarrow u_0\) strongly in \(W_0^{1,r}\), and so \(u_0 \in A_\varepsilon \), which gives the desired closedness of \(A_\varepsilon \) in \(W_0^{1,q}\).
It remains to prove that \(\gamma (A_\varepsilon ; L^q)\ge k\). Consider the mapping \(i: A_\varepsilon \subset W_0^{1,r}\rightarrow L^q\) defined as \(i(u)=u\). This mapping is continuous. (This claim is trivial when q does not exceed the critical Sobolev exponent \(r^*\).) Indeed, let us take any sequence \(\{u_n\} \subset A_\varepsilon \) which converges to some \(u_0 \in A_\varepsilon \) strongly in \(W_0^{1,r}\). Since \(A_\varepsilon \) is bounded in \(W_0^{1,q}\), we see that any subsequence of \(\{u_n\}\) has a subsubsequence which converges to \(u_0\) weakly in \(W_0^{1,q}\) and hence strongly in \(L^q\). Therefore, the whole sequence \(\{u_n\}\) also converges to \(u_0\) strongly in \(L^q\), and hence i is continuous. Since i is odd, we apply Lemma A.1 to get \(\gamma (A_\varepsilon ; L^q)\ge \gamma (A_\varepsilon ; W_0^{1,r}) \ge k\).
Thus, we conclude that \(A_\varepsilon \in {\mathcal {G}}_k(q)\), which finishes the proof. \(\square \)
Remark A.9
We refer to [19, Sections 3 and 4] for several assumptions equivalent to/sufficient for (A.11). In particular, if \(\Omega \) is Lipschitz (in the case \(N \ge 2\)), then (A.11) holds, see [19, Remarks (ii), p. 252]. Moreover, it is clear that (A.11) is satisfied when \(N=1\).
Relation between \(\lambda _k(q)\) and \(\beta _*\)
The aim of this section is to show that, for an appropriate domain \(\Omega \subset {\mathbb {R}}^N\) with \(N \ge 2\), the assumptions (ii), (iii), (iv) of Theorem 1.2 can be satisfied for \(k \ge 2\). Throughout this section, in order to represent the dependence of quantities on a domain \(\Omega \), we will use the expanded notation \(\beta _*(\Omega )\), \(\beta _*(\alpha ;\Omega )\), \(\lambda _k(q;\Omega )\) for \(\beta _*\), \(\beta _*(\alpha )\), \(\lambda _k(q)\), respectively. In particular, recall the definition of \(\beta _*(\Omega )\), see (1.6):
Lemma B.1
Let \(1<q<p\), \(N \ge 2\), and \(k \ge 2\). Then there exists a bounded \(C^2\)-smooth domain \(\Omega \subset {\mathbb {R}}^N\) such that \(\lambda _k(q;\Omega ) < \beta _*(\Omega )\).
Let us construct a beads-type domain \(\Omega _\varepsilon \) as follows. Take k points in \({\mathbb {R}}^N\) lying on the \(x_1\)-axis:
Denote by \(\Omega _0\) the union over j of open balls \(B_r(z_j)\) of radius \(r \in (0,1/2)\) centered at \(z_j\). Thanks to the choice of r, these balls are disjoint. Let us now consider a domain \(\Omega _\varepsilon \) as the union of \(\Omega _0\) with a set of \(k-1\) thin cylindrical type channels \(T_{j,\varepsilon }\) of maximal width \(\varepsilon >0\) subsequently connecting the balls \(B_r(z_j)\) and \(B_r(z_{j+1})\) in a \(C^2\)-smooth way, so that \(\Omega _\varepsilon \) is of class \(C^2\) and \(\Omega _{\varepsilon _1} \supset \Omega _{\varepsilon _2}\) provided \(\varepsilon _1> \varepsilon _2>0\), see Fig. 3. For instance, one can take
where \(\{g_\varepsilon \}\) is an appropriate family of smooth positive functions in the interval \([1,k+1]\) satisfying \(\max _{s \in [1,k+1]}g_\varepsilon (s) \rightarrow 0\) as \(\varepsilon \rightarrow 0\), and \(g_{\varepsilon _1} > g_{\varepsilon _2}\) provided \(\varepsilon _1> \varepsilon _2>0\), so that \(T_{j,\varepsilon _1} \supset T_{j,\varepsilon _2}\).
Evidently, we have \(\lambda _1(q;B_r(z_i)) = \lambda _1(q;B_r(z_j))\) for any \(i,j \in \{1,\dots ,k\}\), and when there is no ambiguity, we denote, for short,
Our aim is to prove that \(\lambda _k(q; \Omega _\varepsilon ) < \beta _*(\Omega _\varepsilon )\) for any sufficiently small \(\varepsilon >0\). First, let us show that
For this purpose, denote by \(\varphi _{q,j} \in W_0^{1,q}(B_r(z_j)) \cap C^1(\overline{B_r(z_j)})\) the first eigenfunction corresponding to \(\lambda _1(q;B_r(z_j))\). Extending \(\varphi _{q,j}\) by zero outside of \(B_r(z_j)\), we have \(\varphi _{q,j} \in W_0^{1,q}(\Omega _\varepsilon )\). Let us consider the following subset of \(W_0^{1,q}(\Omega _\varepsilon )\):
It is clear that A is symmetric and compact. Moreover, the mapping
is continuous and odd, and hence \(\gamma (A;W_0^{1,q}) = k\), see [31, Proposition 7.7]. Therefore, A is an admissible set for the definition (1.1) of \(\lambda _k(q;\Omega _\varepsilon )\). Since \(\varphi _{q,i}\) and \(\varphi _{q,j}\) have disjoint supports and equal norms when \(i \ne j\), and
we have
which establishes the chain of inequalities (B.1). Exactly the same construction but in the space \(W_0^{1,p}(\Omega _0)\) instead of \(W_0^{1,q}(\Omega _\varepsilon )\) shows that
As it can be seen from (B.1), in order to prove the lemma, it is sufficient to justify that
Hereinafter, we assume that \(j \in \{1,\dots ,k\}\) is fixed and we denote \(B_r:= B_r(z_j)\), for brevity. We will prove (B.3) by noting that \(\lambda _1(q;B_r) < \beta _*(B_r)\) (see Sect. 1.1) and showing that
Let us recall from Sect. 1.1 that \(\beta _*(\Omega _\varepsilon )\) for any \(\varepsilon \ge 0\) can be characterized as
In particular, taking the first eigenfunction \(\varphi _{p,j}\) corresponding to \(\lambda _1(p;B_r)\) as a test function for (B.4) with \(\varepsilon =0\) and using (B.2), it is not hard to deduce that \(\beta _*(\Omega _0) = \beta _*(B_r)\).
Recall from Sect. 1.1 that the mapping \(\alpha \mapsto \beta _*(\alpha ;\Omega _\varepsilon )\) does not increase. Therefore, noting that \(\lambda _1(p;B_r) > \lambda _1(p;\Omega _\varepsilon )\) since \(B_r \subsetneq \Omega _\varepsilon \), we get
Let us investigate the behavior of \(\beta _*(\lambda _1(p;B_r); \Omega _\varepsilon )\) with respect to \(\varepsilon \). The first eigenfunction \(\varphi _{p,j}\) corresponding to \(\lambda _1(p;B_r)\), being extended by zero outside of \(B_r\) so that \(\varphi _{p,j} \in W_0^{1,p}(\Omega _\varepsilon )\), is an admissible test function for the definition (1.5) of \(\beta _*(\lambda _1(p;B_r); \Omega _\varepsilon )\), and hence
We want to show that
Suppose, by contradiction, that
Consequently, there exists a sequence \(\{u_\varepsilon \}\) such that \(u_\varepsilon \in W_0^{1,p}(\Omega _\varepsilon )\), \(\int _{\Omega _\varepsilon }|u_\varepsilon |^q \,dx = 1\),
By the construction, we have \(\Omega _{\varepsilon _2} \subset \Omega _{\varepsilon _1}\) provided \(0<\varepsilon _2 < \varepsilon _1\), which yields \(W_0^{1,p}(\Omega _{\varepsilon _2}) \subset W_0^{1,p}(\Omega _{\varepsilon _1})\). Therefore, extending \(u_\varepsilon \) by zero outside of \(\Omega _\varepsilon \), we get \(u_\varepsilon \in W_0^{1,p}(\Omega _{\varepsilon _1})\) for a fixed \(\varepsilon _1>0\) and all \(\varepsilon \in (0,\varepsilon _1)\). In view of (B.8), \(\{u_\varepsilon \}\) is bounded in \(W_0^{1,p}(\Omega _{\varepsilon _1})\) and hence there exists \(u_0 \in W_0^{1,p}(\Omega _{\varepsilon _1})\) such that \(u_\varepsilon \rightarrow u_0\) weakly in \(W_0^{1,p}(\Omega _{\varepsilon _1})\) and \(W_0^{1,q}(\Omega _{\varepsilon _1})\), strongly in \(L^p(\Omega _{\varepsilon _1})\) and \(L^q(\Omega _{\varepsilon _1})\), and a.e. in \({\mathbb {R}}^N\), up to a subsequence.
By the construction, we have \(u_0 = 0\) a.e. in \({\mathbb {R}}^N {\setminus } \overline{\Omega _0}\). Indeed, if we suppose that \(u_0 \ne 0\) in some set \({\mathcal {O}} \subset {\mathbb {R}}^N {\setminus } \overline{\Omega _0}\) with positive measure \(|{\mathcal {O}}|>0\), then there exists \(\varepsilon _0>0\) and a channel \(T_{l,\varepsilon _0}\) (which connects \(B_r(z_l)\) with \(B_r(z_{l+1})\)) of maximal width \(\varepsilon _0\) such that \(|{\mathcal {O}} \cap T_{l,\varepsilon _0}| > 0\). Since the channel shrinks to a line as \(\varepsilon \rightarrow 0\), we see that \(|{\mathcal {O}} \cap \left( {\mathbb {R}}^N {\setminus } T_{l,\varepsilon }\right) | > 0\) for any sufficiently small \(\varepsilon >0\), which means that \(|{\mathcal {O}} \cap \left( {\mathbb {R}}^N {\setminus } \Omega _\varepsilon \right) | > 0\). However, this is impossible since \(u_\varepsilon \in W_0^{1,p}(\Omega _\varepsilon )\) and it is extended by zero outside of \(\Omega _\varepsilon \), and \(u_\varepsilon \rightarrow u_0\) a.e. in \({\mathbb {R}}^N\). Therefore, we have \(u_0 \in W_0^{1,p}(\Omega _0)\), see, e.g., [37, Corollary 3.3] for an explicit reference.
The strong convergence in \(L^q(\Omega _{\varepsilon _1})\) yields
and so \(u_0 \not \equiv 0\) in \(\Omega _{0}\). Applying also the weak convergence in \(W_0^{1,p}(\Omega _{\varepsilon _1})\) and the strong convergence in \(L^p(\Omega _{\varepsilon _1})\), we obtain
where the last inequality follows from (B.7). Thus, we have shown that \(u_0\) is an admissible function for the definition (B.4) of \(\beta _*(\Omega _0)\), and hence, using (B.8) and (B.9), we arrive at the following contradiction:
Therefore, the convergence (B.6) is established.
Combining now (B.5) and (B.6), we see that
That is, we obtain the desired relation
which justifies (B.3). Finally, combining (B.3) and (B.1), we complete the proof of the lemma. \(\square \)
Remark B.2
Essentially the same proof shows the existence of a smooth bounded domain \(\Omega \subset {\mathbb {R}}^N\) such that \(\lambda _l(p) < \alpha _*\) for given \(N \ge 2\) and \(l \ge 2\). We do not provide further details since this inequality can be observed already in the case \(N=1\), see [6, Lemma A.3].
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Bobkov, V., Tanaka, M. Abstract multiplicity results for (p, q)-Laplace equations with two parameters. Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo, II. Ser (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12215-024-01067-7
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12215-024-01067-7
- p-Laplacian
- (p
- q)-Laplacian
- Variational eigenvalues
- Multiplicity
- Symmetric mountain-pass theorem
- Nehari manifold