Correction to: Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo Series 2

In the original publication lines 2–3 in abstract were published wrongly as "Bini and Iacono in Rend seminary’s Mat Univ Politec Torino 73(1):9–20, 2015".

The correct version must be "New York J. Math. 20, 1–33 (2014)".

Reference [5] was published wrongly as "Doi, M., Yotsutani, N.: Differential geometric global smoothings of simple normal crossing complex surfaces with trivial canonical bundle.".

The correct version of Re. [5] must be: "Doi, M., Yotsutani, N.: Differential geometric global smoothings of simple normal crossing complex surfaces with trivial canonical bundle. Complex Manifolds (to Appear).".

We regret the inconvenience caused.