Mindfulness-based interventions are thought to attenuate stress and anxiety while improving focus and awareness. College students are at risk for and often experience increased stress and anxiety. Consequently, college students may benefit from mindfulness-based interventions. The purpose of this systematic review of the qualitative literature was to understand and explain how college students perceive and depict mindfulness-based interventions. A thematic synthesis approach was used to analyze the literature. Nineteen qualitative studies were included, and four overarching themes identified: awareness, barriers to meditation, improved focus, and facilitator’s role. Awareness included three subordinate themes: emotion regulation, tools for future use, and relationship with others. Students stated that mindfulness-based interventions were overall beneficial and described them as a coping mechanism that attenuated their stress, anxiety, and emotions, improved learning, build relationships, and provided tools for future careers. Findings of this synthesis indicate that mindfulness-based interventions should be developed that specifically meet the needs of college students. Moreover, future researchers should examine the component of mindfulness-based interventions that students perceived as most beneficial and the differences in perceptions based on college major. Our review is a bridge to understanding the vital components of mindfulness-based interventions in college students.
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Bamber, M.D., Schneider, J.K. College students’ perceptions of mindfulness-based interventions: A narrative review of the qualitative research. Curr Psychol 41, 667–680 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12144-019-00592-4
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12144-019-00592-4