It is a pleasure and an honor to serve as the new Editor-in-Chief for Current Psychology. I take over from the very capable Jeff Schaler, who served in that role for the past 8 years. He nominated me for this position and I am grateful for his consideration, thoughtfulness and respect over the years. Jeff helped me in the transition period from summer 2013 to the present and still contacts me from time to time about issues of high importance. I also want to thank Welmoed Spahr, Morgan Ryan and Antoniette Abano, all from Springer. They have all been more than helpful in my transition to Editor-in-Chief. Their support, insight and good spirits have made my job much easier and I am lucky to have them in my corner. Current Psychology is the 3rd professional psychology journal that I have edited (I was co-Executive Editor/Editor-in-Chief for Journal of Psychology and Journal of General Psychology, both from 2000 to 2005) but the job of editing is still something I love to do and look forward to each and every day. It is a challenge that I readily accept and enjoy. Current Psychology brings some new challenges to the role of Editor-in-Chief, including the use of Editorial Manager. Editorial Manager is an internet-based review system. This will speed up the time from submission to decision and since it went live in October of 2013, the system has worked great! Authors want to know about their papers in a timely manner and this system (used by many professional journals) will attend to that. The rapid rise of the internet in professional journal publishing also requires fast action on submitted and revised manuscripts. Editorial Manager allows for that requirement. I have also assembled a crack editorial board, comprised of some professionals that Jeff had appointed and some that I have appointed. They have been working quite hard, as many papers are now being submitted to Current Psychology. I also have made requests for ad-hoc reviewers and this has also gone quite well with many professionals eager to assist Current Psychology. To say that I have happy about how things are going would be an understatement. As mentioned, it is an absolute honor to serve as Editor-in-Chief of Current Psychology and I am grateful to be part of the long tradition Current Psychology has had in psychology. I ask readers to consider Current Psychology for their work as Current Psychology is a broad, diverse, international journal of psychology, publishing theoretical and empirical work that covers much important psychological ground. I intend to keep up this respected tradition that Jeff and others before him have created in my role as Editor-in-Chief of Current Psychology. My address is below. I would enjoy hearing from you with comments about the journal. Thank you!