Drawing on qualitative interviews with South Korean migrants in Canada, this study examines how full-time working migrants appropriate the Internet to maintain sociocultural connections with their homeland, their diasporic community, and the host society. The present study raises the question of how the rapid diffusion of the Internet may redefine the meanings of the Korean diaspora, and it explores how migrants engage in, or negotiate, the digital mediascape of the host society. While Korean migrants in the present study encountered no difficulty with accessing and using the Internet, it was largely appropriated in Korean language and in relation to Korean community rather than serving as a platform through which they could actively engage in the host society’s mediascape. Thus, it is questionable how the ethnic use of the Internet may contribute to the co-construction between migrant and host media users.
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The rate of self-employment is significantly high amongst Korean migrants, compared to the host populations. In addition, Korean churches have been influential in Korean migrants’ social networking, especially in major Korean-populated cities; as of 2008, approximately 200 Korean Christian congregations existed in the metropolitan Vancouver area alone (Baker 2008).
Kelowna, which is known for its mild weather, orchards, and resort facilities for retirees, witnessed substantial population growth in the 1990s. One of the reasons for this growth was the migration of translocal whites from Vancouver—a phenomenon that is also known as “white flight”—who were concerned about the large influx of Hong Kong immigrants (Hiebert 2005). Given this background, Kelowna’s development and reputation as a “predominantly white city” is not unexpected (Teixeira and Lo 2012).
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This work was supported by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada [Insight grant number 435-2013-0186]. I would like to thank the two anonymous reviewers for their constructive comments. I am grateful for Nayoung Kim for her research assistance.
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Yoon, K. Korean Migrants’ Use of the Internet in Canada. Int. Migration & Integration 18, 547–562 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12134-016-0487-8
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12134-016-0487-8