I am very pleased to introduce this Special Issue of Aging International on “Aging in Muslim and Middle Eastern Populations.” We hope this Special Issue to be both interesting and provocative, and that the articles in it will provoke further research, case studies, and demonstrations in the field of Healthcare Policy.

I gratefully acknowledge valuable guidance and feedback provided by William Ward, University of South Florida, Hongtu Chen, Harvard University; Sue Levkoff, University of South Carolina; Adnan Kisa, Zirve University, Turkey; and Yucuf Celick, Hacettepe University, Turkey. I thank Carolyn Meyers, President of Jackson State University, and James Renick, the Senior Vice President of Academic Affair, Jackson State University, for their support.

The completion of this Special Issue would not have been possible without the many hours contributed by all of the anonymous reviewers who dedicated their time and expertise to helping make this Special Issue a reality.