This paper examines religious experiences of lesbian and bisexual women who are current or former members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (identifying as LDS or Mormon). Data were obtained from LGBTQ individuals through a national and international online survey that queried personal/family relationships, romantic/sexual relationships and relationship with the religion. Individuals were placed in four orientation groups based on Kinsey behavior and attraction scores: Lesbian, Bisexual, High Attraction/Low Behavior, and High Behavior/Low Attraction. Some important differences among these groups emerged. Those self-positioned at the high (same-sex) end of the scale were most often disaffiliated from the Church. Bisexuality permitted a modest degree of non-disclosure, mixed-orientation marriage, and remaining in church activity. Conforming to the church’s standard of sexual behavior did not correlate with positive attitudes toward the Church. Instead, marginalization due to awareness that one’s sexual minority status was unaccepted in the religion was the overriding sentiment.
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Chakravarty, D., Heaton, T.B., Bradshaw, W.S. et al. The Relationship of Religiosity and Sexuality in Non-heterosexual Mormon Women: A Mixed Methods Study. Sexuality & Culture 26, 1012–1030 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12119-021-09929-3
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12119-021-09929-3