The sexual double standard is the phenomenon whereby men and women are judged differently for the same sexual behavior. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the potential relationship between life history theory, attachment theory and the sexual double standard. Life history theory posits that one’s upbringing (e.g., quality of early relationship with one’s parents) may have implications for one’s future mating strategies, especially for women. Furthermore, adult attachment orientation often influences individuals’ feelings toward sexual behavior. To address the relationship between these variables, we had participants complete questionnaires regarding their early relationships with their parents and their current attachment regarding romantic partners. Participants then evaluated a target individual who reported having 1 or 12 sexual partners (N = 154). Results showed that female participants’ early relationships with their parents and their current attachment avoidance predicted their exhibition of the double standard. Results are discussed in the context of theoretical and empirical implications.
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Similar analyses examining male participants’ early maternal and paternal relationships revealed no influence on the exhibition of the sexual double standard.
When non-heterosexual participants were excluded from analyses, the pattern of results did not change. Therefore, non-heterosexual individuals were included in the final analyses.
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Zaikman, Y., Vogel, E.A., Vicary, A.M. et al. The Influence of Early Experiences and Adult Attachment on the Exhibition of the Sexual Double Standard. Sexuality & Culture 20, 425–445 (2016). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12119-015-9332-z
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12119-015-9332-z