One of the major adaptations during the evolution of Homo sapiens was an increase in brain size. Here we present evidence that a significant and substantial proportion of variation in brain size may be related to changes in temperature. Based on a sample of 109 fossilized hominid skulls, we found that cranial capacities were highly correlated with paleoclimatic changes in temperature, as indexed by oxygen isotope data and sea-surface temperature. Indeed, as much as 52% of the variance in the cranial capacity of these skulls could be accounted for by temperature variation at 100 ka intervals. As an index of more short-term seasonal fluctuations in temperature, we examined the latitude of the sites from which the crania originated. More than 22% of the variance in cranial capacity of these skulls could be accounted for by variation in equatorial distance.
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Number | Fossil | Taxon† | Capacity (cc) | Date (Ma) |
1 | SK 47 (adult) | Early h | 595.000a | 1.900a |
2 | Stw 53 | Early h | 570.000a | 1.900a |
3 | SK 847 | h, hh/he | 507.000a | 1.900a |
4 | SK 27 | h | 475.000a | 1.900a |
5 | KNM-ER 1470 (Koobi Fora) | hher | 776.000a | 1.890a |
6 | KNM-ER 3732 (Koobi Fora) | hher | 622.500a | 1.890a |
7 | KNM-ER 1813 (Koobi Fora) | hh | 506.333a | 1.890a |
8 | Omo L894-1 | h | 500.000a | 1.890a |
9 | Dmansi 2280 | hh | 775.000b | 1.860b |
10 | Dmansi 2282 | hh | 650.000b | 1.860b |
11 | Dmansi 2700 | hh | 600.000c | 1.860b |
12 | KNM-ER 1590 (Koobi Fora) | hr | 782.500a | 1.850a |
13 | KNM-ER 1805 (Koobi Fora) | hh | 616.000a | 1.850a |
14 | Modjokerto (adult) | he | 855.000a | 1.800a |
15 | OH 24 (Olduvai) | hh | 597.000d | 1.800a |
16 | KNM-ER 3733 (Koobi Fora) | hher | 825.400a | 1.780a |
17 | OH 7 (adult) (Olduvai) | hh | 674.000a | 1.780a |
18 | OH 16 (adult) (Olduvai) | hh | 639.200a | 1.670a |
19 | Sangiran 4 | he | 856.000a | 1.660a |
20 | OH 13 (adult) (Olduvai) | hh | 662.286a | 1.660a |
21 | Sangiran 31 | he | 1,000.000a | 1.660a |
22 | KNM-WT 15000 (adult) (Nariokotome) | he | 904.500a | 1.600a |
23 | KNM-ER 3883 (Koobi Fora) | hher | 825.667a | 1.570a |
24 | Sangiran 12 | he | 951.000a | 1.25 |
25 | Sangiran 3 (adult) | he | 900.000a | 1.25 |
26 | Sangiran 10 | he | 868.600a | 1.25 |
27 | Sangiran 9 | he | 856.000a | 1.25 |
28 | Sangiran 2 | he | 792.571a | 1.25 |
29 | Sangiran 17 | he | 1,020.000a | 1.25 |
30 | OH 9 (Olduvai) | he | 1,070.500a | 1.200a |
31 | Gongwangling 1 | he | 779.000a | 1.150a |
32 | Buia | he | 800.000a | 1.000a |
33 | Trinil 2 | he | 940.000a | 0.900a |
34 | Ceprano | hhei | 1,185.000a | 0.850k |
35 | OH 12 (Olduvai) | he | 732.330a | 0.840a |
36 | Ternifine | ahs | 1,300.000a | 0.750a |
37 | Bodo | hhei | 1,250.000f | 0.600f |
38 | Nanjing | he | 1,000.000c | 0.600c |
39 | Atapuerca 4 (AT 600) | hant | 1,390.000a | 0.500g |
40 | Atapuerca 6 (11- to 14-year-old) | hant | 1,153.333a | 0.500g |
41 | Atapuerca 5 (AT 700) | hant | 1,125.000a | 0.500g |
42 | Sambungmacan 1 | he | 1,056.333a | 0.500a |
43 | Salé 1 | he | 911.000a | 0.400a |
44 | Araho 21 | hhei | 1,138.667a | 0.400a |
45 | Broken hill 1 (Kabwe) | hhei | 1,310.000a | 0.350a |
46 | Saldanha 1 (Elandsfontein) | hhei | 1,216.667a | 0.350a |
47 | Yunxian | he | 1,100.000a | 0.350a |
48 | Ndutu 1 | ahs | 1,100.000a | 0.350a |
49 | Petralona 1 | hhei | 1,266.556a | 0.325a |
50 | Reilingn | hhei | 1,432.000a | 0.300a |
51 | Swanscombe 1 | hhei | 1,305.000a | 0.300a |
52 | Narmada 1 | he | 1,249.333a | 0.300a |
53 | Steinheim 1 | hhei | 1,111.192a | 0.300a |
54 | Florisbad 1 | ahs | 1,280.000a | 0.279h |
55 | KNM-ER 3884 | ahs | 1,400.000a | 0.270a |
56 | Ngawi | he | 1,000.000c | 0.250c |
57 | Hexian | he | 1,012.500a | 0.250a |
58 | Zhoukoudian (III) | he | 937.500a | 0.210i |
59 | Zhoukoudian (VI) | he | 850.000a | 0.210i |
60 | Zhoukoudian L1 (X) | he | 1,225.000a | 0.210i |
61 | Zhoukoudian h3 (V) | he | 1,220.000a | 0.210i |
62 | Zhoukoudian D1 (II) | he | 1,030.000a | 0.210i |
63 | Zhoukoudian L3 (XII) | he | 1,030.000a | 0.210i |
64 | Zhoukoudian L2 (XI) | he | 1,015.000a | 0.210i |
65 | Dali 1 | ahs | 1,160.000a | 0.205a |
66 | Ehrinhsdorf 9 | hhei | 1,450.000a | 0.203a |
67 | Sambungmacan 3 | he | 900.000a | 0.200a |
68 | Solo 5, Ngandong V | he | 1,266.167a | 0.200a |
69 | Solo 9, Ngandong IX | he | 1,135.000a | 0.200a |
70 | Solo 1, Ngandong I | he | 1,121.429a | 0.200a |
71 | Solo 6, Ngandong VI | he | 1,115.714a | 0.200a |
72 | Solo 10, Ngandong X | he | 1,109.000a | 0.200a |
73 | Omo 2 | ahs | 1,432.500a | 0.195j |
74 | Jinniushan | he | 1,316.667a | 0.187a |
75 | Vértesszöllös 2 | ahs | 1,334.571a | 0.186a |
76 | Biache | hhei | 1,200.000a | 0.178a |
77 | Fontéchevade 2 | hn | 1,420.000a | 0.160a |
78 | La Chaise | hn | 1,065.000a | 0.151a |
79 | Singa 1 | hn | 1,550.000a | 0.150a |
80 | KNM-ES-11693 (Eliye Springs) | ahs | 1,375.000a | 0.150a |
81 | Jebel Irhoud 2 | hn | 1,400.000l | 0.140a |
82 | Jebel Irhoud 1 | hn | 1,305.000l | 0.140a |
83 | Krapina-D | hn | 1,450.000a | 0.130a |
84 | Krapina 3 | hn | 1,200.000a | 0.130a |
85 | Ngaloba | ahs | 1,283.500a | 0.125a |
86 | Daka (BOU VP-2/66) | he | 995.000c | 0.100c |
87 | Saccopastore 2 | hn | 1,295.000a | 0.100a |
88 | Tabun C1 | hn | 1,270.500a | 0.100a |
89 | Saccopastore 1 | hn | 1,234.333a | 0.100a |
90 | Skhul 9 | hn | 1,587.333a | 0.090a |
91 | Skhul 4 | hn | 1,554.500a | 0.090a |
92 | Skhul 5 | hn | 1,499.500a | 0.090a |
93 | Skhul 2 | hn | 1,300.000a | 0.090a |
94 | La Ferrassie 1 | hn | 1,650.200a | 0.068a |
95 | Teshik-Tash (adult) | hn | 1,581.000a | 0.060a |
96 | Gibraltar 1 (Forbes’ Quarry) | hn | 1,226.750a | 0.060a |
97 | Monte Circeo I | hn | 1,551.000a | 0.055a |
98 | Amud 1 | hn | 1,745.000a | 0.051a |
99 | Shanidar 1 | hn | 1,650.000a | 0.050a |
100 | La Chapelle-aux-Saints | hn | 1,626.000a | 0.050a |
101 | Shanidar 5 | hn | 1,550.000a | 0.050a |
102 | Spy 2 | hn | 1,487.400a | 0.050a |
103 | Spy 1 | hn | 1,457.500a | 0.050a |
104 | La Quina 5 | hn | 1,345.250a | 0.050a |
105 | Neandertal 1 | hn | 1,337.750a | 0.050a |
106 | Ganovce 1 | hn | 1,320.000a | 0.050a |
107 | Le Moustier 1 | hn | 1,486.200a | 0.040a |
108 | Galilee | ahs | 1,400.000a | 0.040a |
109 | Eyasi | ahs | 1,235.000a | 0.035a |
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Ash, J., Gallup, G.G. Paleoclimatic Variation and Brain Expansion during Human Evolution. Hum Nat 18, 109–124 (2007). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12110-007-9015-z
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12110-007-9015-z