We hypothesize that rapid eye movement or REM sleep evolved, in part, to mediate sexual/reproductive behaviors and strategies. Because development of sexual and mating strategies depends crucially on early attachment experiences, we further hypothesize that REM functions to mediate attachment processes early in life. Evidence for these hypotheses comes from (1) the correlation of REM variables with both attachment and sexual/reproductive variables; (2) attachment-related and sex-related hormonal release during REM; (3) selective activation during REM of brain sites implicated in attachment and sexual processes; (4) effects of maternal deprivation on REM; (5) effects of REM deprivation on sexual behaviors; and (6) the REM-associated sexual excitation. To explain why we find associations among REM sleep, attachment, and adult reproductive strategies, we rely on recent extensions of parent-offspring conflict theory. Using data from recent findings on genomic imprinting, Haig (2000) and others suggest that paternally expressed genes are selected to promote growth of the developing fetus/child at the expense of the mother, while maternally expressed genes counter these effects. Because developmental REM facilitates attachment-related outcomes in the child, developmental REM may be regulated by paternally expressed genes. In that case, REM may have evolved to support the “aims” of paternal genes at the expense of maternal genes.
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Patrick McNamara, Ph.D., is an assistant professor of neurology at Boston University School of Medicine and a member of the Department of Neurology at the Boston VA Medical Center. He specializes in study of catecholaminergic mechanisms of cognitive disorders in Parkinson’s and related disorders. He has a long-standing interest in anthropological and evolutionary approaches to medicine and to human cognition. His recent book Mind and Variability applied Darwinian models to problems of memory and identity. He is currently writing a book on the evolutionary psychology of sleep and dreams.
Sanford Auerbach, M.D., is an associate professor of neurology and psychiatry at Boston University School of Medicine and medical director of the Neurophysiology Laboratories at the Boston Medical Center. He is a behavioral neurologist and a board-certified sleep specialist. He is also director of the Sleep Disorders Center at Boston Medical Center. He has been associated with the NIH-sponsored Sleep Heart Health Study and other sleep-related research. He has been a member of the executive committee of the Sleep Section of the American Academy of Neurology and a past chair of the Neurology section of the American Sleep Disorders Association.
Jayme Dowdall is a medical student at Boston University School of Medicine who plans to specialize in molecular approaches to medical and sleep disorders.
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McNamara, P., Dowdall, J. & Auerbach, S. Rem sleep, early experience, and the development of reproductive strategies. Hum Nat 13, 405–435 (2002). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12110-002-1001-x
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12110-002-1001-x