This (online) survey sheds light on gender-specific aspects/particularities of the professional activity and career development of women compared to men in this professional field. The study applies principles of theoretical and empirical knowledge from other gender-sensitive studies of professional fields in the media sector. 1,234 people completed the questionnaire (87 % women). The data shows that the field is no exception when it comes to the (poor) conditions for women. Some of the findings however exhibit interesting deviations and show, that the growing proportion of women does not turn the professional field into one where career development is equally attainable for men and women.
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I like to thank the professional association “BücherFrauen—Women in Publishing e.V.” (Berlin), who initiated and fully financed this survey. The managing board of BücherFrauen e.V. also strongly supported our work throughout the whole project with their expertise. First and foremost it was Karina Schmidt who unremittingly supported the project with gusto. At the same time our sponsors did never interfere in our scientific decisions and allowed for utmost freedom of research.
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Fröhlich, R. Book People in Germany: A Study on the Professional Situation and Career Conditions of Men and Women in the German Book Publishing Industry and the Book Trade. Pub Res Q 30, 223–243 (2014). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12109-014-9361-8
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12109-014-9361-8