Correction to: Theoretical Ecology

The original version of this article unfortunately contains a mistake. On page 4, the paragraph right below Eq. 6, the fitness difference term was incorrectly displayed in the PDF version of the published paper but was correctly presented in the html version of the published paper. Below are the necessary corrections:

Instead of:

figure a

it should be captured as:

coefficients, i.e. \(\alpha_{ij}\). Also to be noted is that the fitness difference between species 2 and species 1 is given from Eq. 1 as \(\sqrt{\frac{\alpha_{11}\alpha_{12}}{\alpha_{22}\alpha_{21}}}\), and for species 1 over species 2 is given as \(\sqrt{\frac{\alpha_{22}\alpha_{21}}{\alpha_{11}\alpha_{12}}}\).

The original article has been corrected.