Correction to: Indian Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery

The statement below in the original manuscript:

As such, ‘the quality of surgical care is not always optimal; however, 510% patients, who undergo in-patient surgery die after the procedure, and 20–30% of patients experience complications. Of those complications, 40–60% are considered avoidable, and 2040% of deaths after surgical procedures are estimated to be preventable’ [1].

should be:

As such, ‘the quality of surgical care is not always optimal; however, 5-10% patients, who undergo in-patient surgery die after the procedure, and 20–30% of patients experience complications. Of those complications, 40–60% are considered avoidable, and 20-40% of deaths after surgical procedures are estimated to be preventable’ [1].

The original article has been corrected.