This paper highlights the significance of optimizing district energy systems with solar prosumers from an exergy-based perspective to minimize carbon dioxide emission responsibilities. As a case study, the Dezonnet solar district energy project in Haarlem, the Netherlands, which incorporates solar prosumers with traditional rooftop photovoltaic-thermal panels, and heat pumps, integrated with a district heating network featuring a seasonal central thermal storage aquifer, is critically examined. This paper shows that the project has carbon dioxide emission responsibilities that can only be revealed by the Second Law of Thermodynamics. A novel extension of this law relates carbon dioxide emission responsibilities with major exergy destructions. As an alternative solution, a solar/green hydrogen house concept is presented, which encompasses advanced, pumpless photovoltaic-thermal panels with heat pipes, solar flat-plate panels, and thermo-electric generator layers in a sandwiched construction with phase-change thermal storage blocks. On-site seasonal thermal storage systems utilizing phase change material and biogas generation replace the large-scale district aquifer. New optimization constraints as well as the objective function of minimum exergy destruction and corresponding emission responsibility equations are presented. Sample studies indicate that the alternative solution may reduce carbon dioxide emissions responsibility by up to 95%. This paper concludes that smaller districts or individual solar homes with advanced technologies are preferable.
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- A :
Base Area, m2
- A s :
The total external surface area of ATES, m2
- a :
- ALT :
Residence time in the atmosphere (of greenhouse gas)
- c :
Constant in Eq. (10)
- c, c` :
Nearly-avoidable CO2 emission factors (depending on the order of exergy destruction. If exergy is destroyed upstream, it is 0.63. Otherwise, it is 0.27, kg CO2/kW-hexergy)
- c K :
Industry-average unit CO2 emission factor, kg CO2/kW-henergy
- c p :
Pressure drop coefficient per district length, L, kPa/m
- C p :
Specific heat at constant pressure, kJ/(kg·K)
- CO2 :
Direct carbon dioxide emission, kg CO2/kW-henergy
- COP :
Coefficient of performance (of a heat pump)
- E :
Electrical energy, kW-helectric
- E X :
Exergy, kW-hexergy
- GWP :
Global warming potential
- h :
Height (of ATES), or a constant in Eq. 10, m
- I n :
Solar insolation on the solar panel surface, W/m2
- k :
Overall thermal conduction coefficient of the insulated tank walls, kW/(m·K)
- k i :
Proportionality constant between ΔCO2 and εdes at the (i)th step in a process, kgCO2/kW-hexergy/(kW-hexergy/kW-henergy)
- L :
District length, m
- LR :
Leakage rate (of the refrigerant), kg/h
- L max :
Maximum permissible district length (one way), m
- LR :
Refrigerant leakage rate, kg/h
- ODI :
Ozone depleting index
- ODP :
Ozone depleting potential
- P :
Power, kW
- P :
Prorating factor
- PEF :
Primary energy factor (current average in Europe is 2.5)
- Q :
Energy, kW-h
- q :
Hourly heat (loss/gain) flux, kW-h/kW-h
- R :
Radius, m
- R EX :
Exergy-based renewable energy (green) mix ratio
- RU :
Roof solar utilization area, m2
- R mix :
Mix ratio of renewables in the energy budget
- T :
Temperature, K
- T f :
Source temperature
- T ref :
Reference temperature, K
- TSI :
Total solar irradiation, 1367.5 ± 3.5%, W/m2
- t :
Time, h
- V :
Volume, m3
- X :
Side measure or diameter of ATES, m
- ε :
Unit exergy, kW/kW or kW-h/kW-h
- η, η I :
First-law efficiency
- η II :
Second-law efficiency
- ρ :
Density, kg/m3
- ƩCO 2 :
Compound (Total) CO2 emission, kg CO2/kW-h
- η IT :
Transmission-transformation efficiency
- η IPM :
Efficiency of the pump and its motor
- ψ R :
Rational exergy management efficiency
- ΔCO 2 :
Nearly avoidable CO2 emission responsibility, kg CO2/kW-hexergy
- ΔT :
Temperature difference, K
- p :
Pressure related
- B :
- dem :
- des :
- E :
Exit/entrance from/to useful work, or electric, useful energy, or electrolysis
- EX :
- f :
Fuel, energy source
- FC :
Fuel cell
- g :
Ground (temperature)
- H :
- HE :
Heat exchanger
- i :
- m :
Mean, average
- PM :
Pump and its motor
- R :
- ref :
Reference environment (temperature)
- solar :
- Sup :
Supply (unit exergy)
- T :
Transmission (power)
- wt :
Wind turbine
- 1,2 :
Supply and return (or vice versa)
- ADS :
Adsorption chiller
American Society of Heating, Ventilating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc.
- ATES :
Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage System
- BG :
- CHP :
Combined heat and power
- DC :
Direct current
- DH :
Dehumidification (desiccant type)
- DHW :
Domestic hot water
- EU :
European Union
- F/C :
Fan coil with heat pipes
- FC :
Fuel cell
- FPC :
Flat-plate solar collector
- HFC :
- HVAC :
Heating ventilating and air conditioning
- HP :
Heat pump
- ID :
Internal pipe diameter, m
- IAQ :
Indoor air quality
- IEA :
International Energy Agency
- LT :
Low temperature
- NG :
Natural gas
- ORC :
Organic Rankine Cycle
- ppm :
Parts per million
- PV :
Solar photo-voltaic (cell or panel)
- PVT :
Solar photo-voltaic-thermal
- PVT1 :
Commercial solar PVT
- PVT3 :
Advanced solar PVT (third generation)
European Technology (and Innovation) Platforms & JTIs on Renewable Heating and Cooling
- TES :
Thermal energy storage
- TEG :
Thermo-electric generator
Transient Systems simulation program
- WHO :
World Health Organization
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Akbar, D., Kilkiş, B. Exergy-based optimization constraints for solar PVT panels and district energy systems with onboard green hydrogen production by solar prosumers. Energy Efficiency 17, 6 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12053-023-10184-8
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12053-023-10184-8