This paper presents a new energy efficiency-based classification approach for street lighting. This approach considers the improvement of visual performance by correcting the standard photometry system (photopic) by the mesopic system, recommended within the CIE 191:2010 and the operational hours of the lighting system, aspects that are usually disregarded by the most-used energy classifications. The method proposed here is based on the value function concept, which allows standardizing an energy performance indicator, representing a satisfaction degree. To validate the approach proposed, a case study in 13 representative streets of the Eixample District of Barcelona is carried out, comparing results with those obtained by other three energy efficiency classifications used in Spain, Netherlands, and Italy. These results derived from the application of the method supports decision-making when using different energy classifications and straightforward to quantify potential energy savings.
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The authors would like to thank to Begoña Tomás Mujal and Germán Carbajo Juanino from the Street Lighting Management of Barcelona for their support and for the street lighting data provided.
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Sánchez-Balvás, L.A., de Felipe, J.J., Quintero, J.M. et al. An energy efficiency-based classification approach for street lighting by considering operational factors: a case study of Barcelona. Energy Efficiency 14, 15 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12053-020-09915-y
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12053-020-09915-y