To achieve energy efficiency and to develop supporting policy tools have become priorities worldwide. In this respect, one of the important energy efficiency policy tools is Energy Efficiency Obligation Scheme (EEOS). Turkish Government, dealing with regulations about energy efficiency since 2007, has placed EEOS in the current agenda in parallel with the global improvements. The authorities agree that EEOS could be a proper mechanism for Turkey to achieve its targets on energy efficiency. This study aims to propose a possible basic EEOS structure for Turkey as well as to present a comparative analysis of the design and implementation of the EEOS’s best practices and key issues. Hence, in addition to the review of the EEOS, currently active in the European Union (EU), proper alternatives for Turkish EEOS were enlightened through expert analysis. In order to evaluate the expert opinions, Bayesian Belief Network (BBN) is implemented as a framework for uncertainty. The possible basic structure of Turkish EEOS, involving responsible authorities, related parties, support mechanisms, and basic properties of the scheme, is constructed according to experts’ opinions. Related BBN analysis reveals the success probability of this structure as about 84%. Moreover, for the improvement of this success, the following implications can be considered from the best practices in the EU: the scheme must be compatible with the country’s specific circumstances and have flexibility in application, promotive opportunities, and deterrent penalties and should be open for improvement.
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We are thankful to all energy experts, sharing their valuable opinions. Specifically, two energy experts are from the Republic of Turkey Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources, one from the Turkish Energy Exchange Company, and two academics from Istanbul Technical University. In the case of foreign experts, they are from France, India, the Netherlands, and Greece.
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Cin, R., Acuner, E. & Onaygil, S. Analysis of energy efficiency obligation scheme implementation in Turkey. Energy Efficiency 14, 4 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12053-020-09914-z
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12053-020-09914-z