This article presents and discusses the results of a study of small photovoltaic (PV) producers in the context of energy production on non-interconnected French islands (Corsica, Guadeloupe, Reunion Island). We analyse the propensity of islanders to install photovoltaic panels and to change their energy-consumption habits, i.e. to reduce their use of energy or to allow the electricity grid to manage their batteries. This meant interviewing them about their willingness to shift from the role of consumer to that of “prosumer”. The analysis is part of the sociotechnical approach which suggests that decentralised production encourages people to change their attitudes towards energy when they produce it themselves. It is based on interviews (47) and on questionnaires (142) submitted to PV producers who sell their entire production (full sale) or their surplus after self-consumption to Electricité de France (EDF) and who own a storage battery. We find that the interviewees’ representations of the electricity grid and locally used energies were marked by the insular nature of their land. Due to the power cuts and the voltage variations that they endure on a daily basis, the interviewees are fully aware of their island’s limited production capacity. The producers we met aspire to a level of comfort that conflicts with their awareness of the limits of the local production system. Our findings indicate that the fact of becoming a PV electricity producer is a response to a common desire for energy autonomy (in relation to fossil fuels, power cuts or electricity bills). This reaching for autonomy is not the same as a desire to break away from the electricity grid. It provides the opportunity to redefine the role of PV producers in tomorrow’s electricity system. This observation calls for comparative studies in order to determine whether these results are tied to insular contexts or if they can be extended elsewhere.
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Corsica’s energy grid benefits from interconnections with Sardinia and Italy, which provide up to 30% of the island’s electricity.
Article 10 of the law dated 10/02/2000, which includes the obligation of electricity distributors (EDF, Poweo, Enercoop, etc.) to buy the electricity produced. The contribution to the public electricity service (CSPE) owed by all electricity consumers on a pro rata basis relative to the number of kWh consumed makes it possible to finance the renewable energy thus produced, the extra costs of production in zones not connected to the mainland electricity grid, and the implementation of a special “essential product” tariff (TPN: tarif de première nécessité) (source: CRE –Commission de Régulation de l’Energie).
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The empirical findings presented here are based on data produced through the EDF-R&D collaborative project (Millener) bringing together industrial partners and Ademe (Agence de l’Environnement et de la Maitrise de l’Energie). The analysis and readings set out in this paper are nevertheless the sole responsibility of the author.
Between 1970 and 2010, the population almost doubled: from 450,000 inhabitants to over 828,000.
These mechanisms were marketed by private companies as part of an experiment of limited duration. The difference in producer numbers per territory is therefore due to project planning constraints: installations were first deployed in Reunion Island, and at a later date in Guadeloupe and Corsica.
Telephone survey with multiple choice questions.
Class 1: total consumption between 1300 and 3300 W; class 2: total consumption between 1500 and 2500 W (on average an additional 300 W over the period 06:00–16:00 and a less marked peak in the evening than that of customers in class 1); class 3: total consumption between 1500 and 3500 W (biggest consumers in the panel).
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Bouly de Lesdain, S. The photovoltaic installation process and the behaviour of photovoltaic producers in insular contexts: the French island example (Corsica, Reunion Island, Guadeloupe). Energy Efficiency 12, 711–722 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12053-018-9680-2
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12053-018-9680-2