The electricity demand in the industrial and service sectors in Taiwan is estimated using a panel dataset, covering 23 industries in the industrial and 9 in the service sectors from 1998 to 2015. Static and dynamic models are studied. Industries are reclassified based on the national accounts and the energy balance sheets. Estimated results indicate the price elasticity is − 0.14 in the short term and − 0.82 in the long term, while the income elasticity is 0.08 in the short term and 0.47 in the long term. The influence of cooling degree days was positive, and substitution effect of electricity with respect to petroleum was proven. In addition, the scenario analysis reveals the gap between the current situation and the policy target of electrical efficiency. This gap can be bridged by economic development and adjustment of industrial structure if Taiwan chooses to stick with low electricity prices.
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21 April 2018
In table 1 columns 10 and 16, the value of the average price was updated. In Fig. 2b, some parts of the line graph were removed by mistake during production.
According to the Bureau of Energy of Taiwan.
According to the Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting, and Statistics (DGBAS) of Taiwan.
Average nominal electricity price, according to the Bureau of Energy of Taiwan.
Summer months (June, July, August, and September) and nonsummer months.
The amount of electricity consumption is divided by 300, 700, and 1500 kWh per month.
Contractual capacity is divided by 100 and 1000 kW and counted an average in every 15 min.
The percentage of energy consumption was 48% for electricity, 39% for petroleum, 9% for coal, and 3% for gas in Taiwan in 2016.
The endogeneity was checked through the correlations between explanatory variables and error terms, Corr(X, ε). The correlation coefficients were all nearly zero and showed that there is no evidence of endogeneity.
The cointegration often leads to very high R2, but the adjusted R2 for the general models are between 0.0236 and 0.5922, and those for the sectoral models are from 0.3522 to 0.5961. Moreover, the Westerlund error-correction-based panel cointegration tests (Westerlund 2007) do not reject the hypothesis that the series are not cointegrated.
Even though the electrical intensity has some drawbacks as an indicator across countries, it is still considered valid to evaluate the electrical efficiency over time (OECD/IEA 2014).
This proportion is calculated by the percentage of value added in the industrial sector divided by the total of value added in the industrial and service sectors. The agriculture sector was not included because it consumes little electricity (nearly 1%) and was not considered in the panel data model.
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I thank the editor and six anonymous reviewers for constructive comments. The errors, idiocies, and inconsistencies remain my own.
I thank the Bureau of Energy in Taiwan for funding this project.
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The original version of this article was revised: Table 1 columns 10 and 16 Avg. price values were updated. Figure 2b was also updated as some plots in the graphs went missing in the original publication.
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Su, YW. Electricity demand in industrial and service sectors in Taiwan. Energy Efficiency 11, 1541–1557 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12053-018-9615-y
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12053-018-9615-y