The Swedish pulp and paper industry accounts for half of industrial final energy use in Sweden and 2.3 % in EU-27. On the basis of a disaggregated set of physical production data, a Logarithmic Mean Divisia Index decomposition method is applied to disentangle the influence from activity, structure and energy efficiency improvement (EEI) on its fuel, electricity and primary energy use. An extended analysis tracks the fossil energy use and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions to discern past and present developments of industrial decarbonisation. In 1984–2011, the total production output increased by 49 %, whereas growth in primary energy use was limited to 26 %. Compared with an activity-based scenario, 50 PJ of primary energy use has been avoided through EEI and 6 PJ through structural change. The production has become oriented towards more electricity-intensive but less fuel-intensive segments. The electricity use EEI was negligible until year 2000 but sizeable thereafter as it started to outpace the counteracting impact from structural change. Results are consistent with previous bottom-up evaluations, and the policy context is further elaborated in a discussion about the role of relevant energy and climate policies in facilitating the enhanced EEI observed over the last decade.
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Available statistics does not provide capacity utilisation rates at sub-sector level. For the Swedish manufacturing industry it was 91 % (2007) and from levels of 75–80 % (2009) it recovered to 88 % (2011) (SCB 2013). An estimated 3 % decrease for PPI is supported by data on production output and capacity (SFIF 2013; Wiberg and Forslund 2012).
Recovered fibre pulp has an exceptionally low specific final fuel use in 1984 compared with later survey years (see Appendix). This category has been excluded to avoid distortion of the weighted average for the pulp grades.
Chemical pulp mills generate electricity from spent liquor in recovery boilers and back pressure turbines while thermomechanical pulp and paper mills use mainly solid biofuel boilers and back pressure turbines. Exhaust lower-pressure steam is used for drying pulp and paper. The allocation procedures in Wiberg (1985–2008) and Wiberg and Forslund (2012) imply that annual average fuel-to-electricity conversion factors are in the range of 1.15–1.25. Thus, the savings from combined heat and power are allocated to the electricity generation (Phylipsen et al. 1998).
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This work has been funded by the Swedish Energy Agency’s research programme General Energy Systems Studies (AES).
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Stenqvist, C. Trends in energy performance of the Swedish pulp and paper industry: 1984–2011. Energy Efficiency 8, 1–17 (2015). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12053-014-9276-4
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12053-014-9276-4