This paper was developed to evaluate the effectiveness of energy efficiency policies recently launched in the Russian Federation. Pilot applications in 2011–2013 of the energy efficiency and energy savings accounting system in Russia and energy consumption growth decomposition analysis developed in this paper have shown that (1) its creation is possible even when using a noncomprehensive statistical database; (2) its application provides nontrivial results and shows that the impressive GDP energy intensity decline in the period 2000–2012 was mostly (to 64 %) driven by structural and other factors with limited contribution of technological ones failing to bridge the technological gap with advanced economies. Facing slowing economic growth in years to come, the federal policy to improve energy efficiency is to be focused on providing incentives for more dynamic penetration of energy-efficient technologies to improve the Russian economy, competitiveness, and energy security.
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Cahill and Ó Gallachóir (2011) demonstrated how physical and economic output data when fully available may be jointly used in decomposition analysis to reflect the interplay of both energy efficiency indicators based on physical units and those based on value added.
\( \mathrm{EPI}=\frac{{\displaystyle \sum_{i=1}^n{E}_i^T}}{{\displaystyle \sum_{i=1}^n{A}_i^T\times {I}_i^0}}=\frac{1}{{\displaystyle \sum_{i=1}^n{w}^T\times \frac{I_i^T}{I_i^o}}} \)
Canada’s Office of Energy Efficiency calls this factor “service level,” but calling it “amenities,” “equipment,” “well-being,” or “comfort” factor might be more accurate.
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Specific energy consumption for space heating is usually defined as the ratio of energy consumption per 1 m2 per degree-day of the heating season. Degree-days for the whole of the Russian Federation were assessed as the average for 20 Russian regions.
Voigt et al. (2014) conducted a decomposition analysis for Russia (among 40 countries) over the 1995–2007 time horizon. Total energy use was split to 34 economic activity sectors. Impacts of only two factors—structural changes and technological improvements (using as proxy energy intensity per unit of value added)—were assessed. The study concluded that Russia’s energy intensity decline over 1995–2007 was mostly driven by structural shifts, which is very much in line with this paper conclusion. The approach used accounts shifts towards lower energy-intensive products within every value added sectors as energy efficiency improvement, while the approach applied in this paper accounts them as structural shifts. Voigt et al. estimates of the technological factor contribution are higher comparing with our findings due to the following: (a) smaller number of sectors used in decomposition; (b) less factors considered, and (c) different approach to energy use split and energy efficiency indicators evaluation. Comparison of results illustrates that using product, works, and services energy use split along with more factors in the decomposition analysis allows for better reflection of technological progress impact on GDP energy intensity evolution.
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This paper is a short version of a report with the same title prepared with the support from the Prosperity Fund of the British Embassy in Moscow. The participation of the British Embassy should not be considered as either agreement or disagreement of the paper’s content.
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Bashmakov, I., Myshak, A. Russian energy efficiency accounting system. Energy Efficiency 7, 743–759 (2014). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12053-014-9252-z
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12053-014-9252-z