This paper reviews the literature concerning the energy savings that can be achieved through optimized building shape and form, improved building envelopes, improved efficiencies of individual energy-using devices, alternative energy using systems in buildings, and through enlightened occupant behavior and operation of building systems. Cost information is also provided. Both new buildings and retrofits are discussed. Energy-relevant characteristics of the building envelope include window-to-wall ratios, insulation levels of the walls and roof, thermal resistance and solar heat gain coefficient of windows, degree of air tightness to prevent unwanted exchange of air between the inside and outside, and presence or absence of operable windows that connect to pathways for passive ventilation. Provision of a high-performance envelope is the single most important factor in the design of low-energy buildings, not only because it reduces the heating and cooling loads that the mechanical system must satisfy but also because it permits alternative (and low-energy) systems for meeting the reduced loads. In many cases, equipment with significantly greater efficiency than is currently used is available. However, the savings available through better and alternative energy-using systems (such as alternative heating, ventilation, cooling, and lighting systems) are generally much larger than the savings that can be achieved by using more efficient devices (such as boilers, fans, chillers, and lamps). Because improved building envelopes and improved building systems reduce the need for mechanical heating and cooling equipment, buildings with dramatically lower energy use (50–75% savings) often entail no greater construction cost than conventional design while yielding significant annual energy-cost savings.
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Harvey, L.D.D. Reducing energy use in the buildings sector: measures, costs, and examples. Energy Efficiency 2, 139–163 (2009). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12053-009-9041-2
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12053-009-9041-2