Correction to: Journal of Molecular Neuroscience (2015) 55:184–197

The original version of this article unfortunately contains an error in Figs. 8 and 9.

The correct version of the figures are presented in the next page.

figure a

Fig. 8

figure b

Fig. 9 The photomicrographs of nigral neurons under transmission electron microscope (TEM). The SN regions of control group (a), MPTP/p + Escin (b), MPTP/p (c), and escin (d) are shown in representative photomicrographs, demonstrating the normal nigral neuron (a and d), mitochondrial swelling and aggregation, nucleus disfiguration and damaged endoplasmic reticulum in the MPTP model (b); ultra-structural changes were relatively slight in escin when compared to MPTP-treated animals. (N—nucleus; asterisk symbol indicates endoplasmic reticulum; normal arrows indicate the nuclear membrane; solid arrows indicate mitochondria; scale bars, 200 nm)

The authors apologize for these errors.