Correction to: Neurocrit Care

The authors note that the number 14 was inadvertently omitted from the formula listed on page 5 of the article. It currently reads

$$ {\text{CPPe}} = {\text{MAP}}*\left( {{\text{EDV}}/{\text{TAPV}}} \right) $$

The correct formula is

$$ {\text{CPPe}} = {\text{MAP}}*\left( {{\text{EDV}}/{\text{TAPV}}} \right) + 14 $$

The number 14 was inadvertently cut out and the oversight was not noticed during the review or the proof process.

The authors would also like to add a reference:

Soldatos T, Karakitsos D, Chatzimichail K, Papathanasiou M, Gouliamos A, Karabinis A. Optic nerve sonography in the diagnostic evaluation of adult brain injury. Crit Care. 2008;12(3):R67. Epub 2008 May 13.

Reference would be cited along with the mention of reference 16 in the Methods section on page 5 of the article.