Correction to: Neuroinformatics (2021) 20:463-481

The original version of this article unfortunately contained typesetting errors. The texts in Examples 1, 2, 3, and 4 were captured incorrectly. The correct presentation of these examples are shown below.

Example 1. A first-generation HED annotation of a presentation of a visual stimulus consisting of both a red triangle and a green square:

Example 2. Second-generation HED annotation for a visual stimulus presentation of a red triangle and a green square. [Note that, here and below, text in square brackets is didactic commentary, not HED syntax.]

Example 3. Full long form and compact short form of a HED-3G annotation of the same event as in Examples 1 and 2, in which a red triangle and a green square are shown to the participant. Again, stimulus size, duration and positioning details are here omitted for brevity. The text in square brackets is commentary and not part of the tag string.

Example 4. Define ScreenSetup to represent the experimental setup used to present visual stimuli.

The original article has been corrected.