The Editors of the Clinical Reviews in Bone and Mineral Metabolism wish to express their deep appreciation to the following people for reviewing manuscripts submitted to the Journal in 2017. The high publication standards of the Journal could not be maintained without their contributions.

Azcon Javier Ramon

Burke Christopher John

Castillo Alesha

Delgado-Calle Jesus

Gatenby Paul

Gennari Luigi

Gnaedinger Markus

Greenfield E.M

Iimura Tadahiro

Kuchay Mohammad

Lewiecki Edward Michael

López-Hoyos Marcos

Lyell Veronica

Martin John

Newman Christopher

Pajevic Divieti

Plotkin Lilian

Riancho Jose

Seyfried Thomas

Shen Hui

Singer Fred

Terpos Evangelos

Unal Mustafa

Vestergaard Peter

Williams Susan