Since its inception in 1979, Biological Trace Element research has become an internationally known journal under the editorial leadership of Dr. Gerhard Schrauzer, with managerial help from Dr. Manuel Arce-Flores since 2009. The trace element research community needs to thank these tireless promoters of the dissemination of the integrative aspects of trace elements in biological systems.

With the stepping down and passing of Dr. Schrauzer and the decision of the publisher of Biological Trace Element research to reduce the number of issues from 18 to 12 each year, the time is appropriate for a change in the aims and scope of the journal that were to publish human and animal nutrition studies devoted not only to fundamental chemistry and biochemistry issues but also to relevant aspects of preventative medicine, epidemiology, clinical chemistry, agriculture, endocrinology, animal science, pharmacology, microbiology, toxicology, virology, marine biology, sensory physiology, developmental biology, and related fields.

This extensive scope may be diluting the impact of the journal; and thus, in the future, the aim of the journal will be the publishing of articles that emphasizes the health and well-being of humans and animals. Manuscripts involving bulk elements, which are required in gram quantities (e.g., calcium, phosphorus, and potassium), will not be accepted unless a trace element is a significant factor in their metabolism or utilization.

Classical experiments using animal and human models to study deficiency, supra-nutritional, pharmacological, and toxicological aspects of trace elements are especially desired. In vitro, cell culture, and microbial models that help in defining the biochemical and physiological roles of trace elements are also welcomed. Studies involving plant models are invited if they are related to the provision of trace elements to animals and humans. Articles involving plant nutrition will be considered more suitable for journals focusing on that area of science.

The hope is that more focused aims and scope of Biological Trace Element research will encourage an increased amount of high-quality manuscripts from all areas of the world.

Additionally, the composition of the Editorial Board of Biological Trace Element Research has been recast to reflect the new aims and scope, and we wish to thank the board members for their willingness to serve. We ask that reviewers be constructive but also be strict to uphold the scientific quality of Biological Trace Element Research so the journal can best serve the trace element community.

Finally, we wish to thank the publisher Springer for all the assistance and cooperation during this period of transition.

We hope that Biological Trace Element Research will continue to serve the trace element community for at least another four decades.

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figure b

Forrest H. Nielsen and John B. Vincent
