Correction to: Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology

In the original version of this article, under Calculation of Immobilization Parameters heading, the presentation of the equations are incorrect. The correct presentation of the equations are given below:

Calculation of immobilization parameters

The percentage immobilization yield (IY) was calculated using the equation:

$$ IY\left(\%\right)=1-\frac{\left[{P}_{supernatant1}\right]+\left[{P}_{supernatant2}\right]\ }{\left[{P}_{control}\right]}\times 100, $$

where Psupernatant1 and Psupernatant2 (mg mL-1) are the protein concentrations for supernatant 1 (obtained after the first wash) and supernatant 2 (obtained after the second wash), respectively, and Pcontrol (mg mL-1) is the protein concentration for the control (soluble enzyme). The enzymatic activity that was offered to the support (AOf) was calculated using the equation:

$$ {A}_{of}\left(\frac{IU}{g\ support}\right)=\frac{A_{solubleenzyme}\times volume\ of\ enzyme\ offered\ \left( in\ mL\right)}{mass\ of\ support\ \left( in\ g\right)}, $$

where Asoluble enzyme (IU mL-1) is the activity of the free enzyme. The theoretically immobilized activity (ATI, in IU g-1 support) was obtained as the product of the activity offered to the support (AOf) and IY × 100-1. The recovered activity (RA) of the immobilized enzyme was calculated as follows:

$$ RA\left(\%\right)=\raisebox{1ex}{${A}_{DE}$}\!\left/ \!\raisebox{-1ex}{${A}_{of}$}\right.\times 100, $$

where ADE is the activity of the derivative (IU g-1 support).