In this article we review the research on the flexible or adaptive use of solution strategies in school mathematics, with a focus on the most recent work in the field. After a short introduction, we provide an overview of the various ways in which strategy flexibility has been conceptualized and investigated in the research literature. Then we review the research that has looked at the relationship between strategy flexibility and task proficiency, followed by studies that analyzed the association of strategy flexibility and other learner variables, including learners’ age, general mathematical ability, prior knowledge, executive functions, gender, and affect. Studies addressing the socio-cultural and educational embeddedness of strategy flexibility are reviewed next, and, finally, we discuss the intervention studies that have tried to stimulate learners’ strategy flexibility by means of various instructional approaches. While this review reveals that strategy flexibility is increasingly recognized as an important and valuable construct in research and practice of mathematics education, and that recently substantial progress has been made in our understanding of this construct, there are many aspects of it that are still not well-understood and that need further investigation.
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In this cross-national study, Spanish, Finnish, and Swedish middle and high school students’ procedural flexibility was examined, with the goal of determining whether and how students’ equation-solving accuracy and flexibility varied by country. The results revealed substantial within-country as well as between-country variation in students’ reliance on standard versus situationally flexible strategies.
This author investigated Dutch fourth graders’ adaptive use of the direct subtraction versus subtraction-by-addition strategy to solve multidigit subtractions. Children solved multidigit subtraction problems in one choice and in two no-choice conditions, either with random assignment to mental computation, written computation, or free choice between the two. One third of the children adaptively switched their strategy according to the numerical characteristics of the problems, and the likelihood to do so was highest in the mandatory mental computation condition.
The authors investigated elementary school children's use of direct subtraction and subtraction-by-addition when mentally solving multi-digit subtractions. Flemish fourth- to sixth-grade children of varying mathematical achievement levels were offered subtractions using a choice/no-choice design. The findings yielded additional evidence for the frequent, efficient, and adaptive use of SBA, even in younger and mathematically lower achieving children.
This study analyzed the effects on students of a professional development program aimed at improving algebra instruction that paid ample attention to supporting trainees in comparing and discussing multiple strategies (CDMS) when teaching linear equation solving. CDMS was found to increase how often teachers actually engaged their students in comparison and discussion of multiple strategies, as well as these teachers’ students’ flexibility in handling linear equations.
These authors investigated the learning opportunities provided by textbooks regarding adaptive expertise in multi-digit addition and subtraction and found large discrepancies in the textbooks' quality in this respect. Furthermore, data of a large-scale three-year longitudinal study showed an effect of the textbook quality on third-graders' adaptive expertise.
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Verschaffel, L. Strategy flexibility in mathematics. ZDM Mathematics Education 56, 115–126 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11858-023-01491-6
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11858-023-01491-6