Literature on resilience in business and management is increasing and has made considerable progress, yet researcher criticize the concept for being ambiguous and to lack clarity in terms of its definition and measurement. This paper investigates causes for ambiguity and disciplines that shaped the understanding of the concept. Five disciplinary perspectives are identified and critically reviewed in terms of how they influenced the understanding of resilience. Those different perspectives have different ontologies, resulting tools and methods to study the concept and thus led to differences in how organizational resilience is understood. Researchers have borrowed ideas from those perspectives and combined them with other perspectives to provide new insights. However, this wealth of perspectives leads to resilience that—as its current stage—has the notion of an umbrella concept that loosely encompass a set of diverse organizational phenomena. Resilience literature that draws from those disciplines is reviewed in terms of key findings. Contributions of each discipline are highlighted and critical questions are raised for future research.
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A table with the results of the structured, computerized search (including references excluded from the review) and the review protocol are available from the author upon request.
I relied on the Local Citation Score since the identified references are from different databases and the Global Citation Score only works for references from Web of Science Database (original basis for the Histcite™ Software) Garfield (2009).
Although not specifically mentioned this incorporates the ideas of panarchy about the interconnectedness of different systems at different scales. Larger scale systems might provide stability but can also lead to regime shift for organizations. Therefore, organizations have to manage their broader ecosystem.
I do thank an anonymous reviewer for pointing this out.
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Hillmann, J. Disciplines of organizational resilience: contributions, critiques, and future research avenues. Rev Manag Sci 15, 879–936 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11846-020-00384-2
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11846-020-00384-2
- Organizational resilience
- Resilient organization
- Systematic review
- Narrative review
- Bibliometric analysis