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Review of Lightweight Deep Convolutional Neural Networks

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Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering Aims and scope Submit manuscript


Lightweight deep convolutional neural networks (LDCNNs) are vital components of mobile intelligence, particularly in mobile vision. Although various heavy networks with increasingly deeper and wider have continuously broken accuracy records since 2012, with the spring of terminals and mobile devices, neural networks that can match them have become a core role in practical applications. In this review, we focus on several representative lightweight Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (DCNN) technologies that hold significant potential for advancing the field. More than 190 references screened out in terms of architecture design and model compression, in which over 50 representative ones are emphasized from the perspectives of methods, performance, advantages, and drawbacks, as well as underlying framework support and benchmark datasets. With a comprehensive analysis, we put forward some existing problems and offer prospects of lightweight DCNN for future development.

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The authors gratefully acknowledge the anonymous reviewers for their constructive comments. This work is supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 62132007 and 20210424), the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities of China (No. lzujbky-2022-pd12), and by the Natural Science Foundation of Gansu Province, China (No. 22JR5RA492). All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.

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Chen, F., Li, S., Han, J. et al. Review of Lightweight Deep Convolutional Neural Networks. Arch Computat Methods Eng 31, 1915–1937 (2024).

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